Rapid Review Neuroscience
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Get the most from your study time...and experience realistic USMLE simulation! These new additions to the Rapid Review Series - highly rated in the First Aid rankings - make it easy for you to master all of the basic science material covered on the USMLE Step 1 Exam.



RAPID REVIEW: NEUROSCIENCE Table of Contents Section 1: Macroscopic Organization: An overview of Nervous System Structure and Function Chapter I. Anatomy of the Nervous System I. Divisions of the nervous system II. Dissections III. Horizontal images IV. Coronal images V. Sagittal images VI. Spinal cord anatomy Chapter II. Development of the Nervous System I. Neural tube and derivatives II. Neural crest and derivatives III. Primary vesicles and derivatives IV. Secondary vesicles and derivatives V. Clinical considerations Chapter III. Meninges I. Layers of the meninges II. Meningeal vasculature III. Clinical considerations Chapter IV. The Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid I. Components of the ventricular system II. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) III. Clinical considerations Chapter V. Vasculature I. Cerebral blood flow II. Blood-brain barrier (BBB) III. Anterior circulation: internal carotid system IV. Posterior circulation: vertebral-basilar system V. Anastomoses VI. Venous drainage VII. Spinal cord blood supply VIII. Clinical considerations: cerebrovascular accidents Section 2: Microscopic Organization: The Nervous System at the cellular level Chapter VI. Neurocytology I. Neurons II. Synapse III. Neuronal cytoskeleton IV. Axonal transport V. Glia VI. Clinical considerations: response to injury Chapter VII. Neurophysiology I. Passive membrane properties II. Excitable membrane III. Myelination and saltatory conduction IV. Clinical considerations Chapter VIII. Synaptic interactions I. Electrical synapse II. Chemical synapse III. Clinical considerations Chapter IX. Neurochemistry I. Classical neurotransmitters II. Peptide neurotransmitters III. Neurotransmitter receptors IV. Clinical considerations Section 3: Sensory Systems Chapter X. Discriminative Touch, Vibration and Conscious Proprioception I. Sensory receptors II. Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system - body III. Trigeminal system ? head and neck IV. Clinical considerations Chapter XI. Pain and Temperature I. Sensory receptors II. Anterolateral system - body III. Trigeminal system ? head and neck IV. Clinical considerations Section 4: Motor Control Chapter XII. Lower Motor Neurons I. Spinal cord anterior horn II. Cranial motor nuclei III. Neuromuscular junction IV. Clinical considerations Chapter XII. Upper Motor Neurons I. Corticospinal and corticobulbar pathways II. "Extrapyramidal" pathways III. Clinical considerations Chapter XIV. Basal Ganglia I. Function II. Anatomy III. Basal ganglia circuits IV. Basal ganglia neurotransmitters V. Clinical considerations Chapter XV. Cerebellum I. Function II. Cerebellar anatomy related to function III. Cerebellar cortex IV. Deep cerebellar nuclei V. Cerebellar pathways VI. Clinical considerations Chapter XVI. Reflexes and their Clinical Significance I. Overview II. Deep tendon reflexes - clinical considerations III. Superficial reflexes - clinical considerations IV. Cranial nerve reflexes - clinical considerations Section 5: Cranial Nerves and the Special Senses Chapter XVII. Cranial Nerve Overview I. Overview II. Emergence of cranial nerves III. Locations of cranial nerve nuclei IV. General sensory input V. Motor control VI. Testing cranial nerves Chapter XVIII. Visual System I. The eye II. Visual processing within the retina III. The visual pathway from the retina to the primary visual cortex Chapter XIX. Auditory System I. What is Sound? II. Anatomy of the Transduction Apparatus III. Mechanisms underlying sound transduction IV. Auditory Neural Pathway V. Clinical Considerations Chapter XX. Vestibular System I. Vestibular system receptors II. Pathways within the Vestibular System III. Vestibular Reflexes and Tests of the Vestibular System IV. Clinical Considerations Chapter XXI. Chemical Senses I. Olfactory system II. Gustatory system III. Clinical considerations Section 6: Higher Functions of the Brain Chapter XXII. Homeostasis: The hypothalamus and the autonomic nervous system I. Hypothalamic Anatomy II. Function of the Hypothalamus III. Components of the Autonomic Nervous System IV. ANS Neurotransmitters V. ANS Receptors and Pharmacology VI. ANS Targets VII. Central Autonomic Centers VIII. Clinical Considerations Chapter XXIII. Sleep, Arousal and the Reticular Activating System I. Reticular system anatomy II. Reticular system function III. Reticular system neurochemistry IV. Assessment of consciousness V. Physiology of sleep VI. Sleep - types VII. Clinical considerations Chapter XXIV. Learning, Memory and Emotion I. Neural basis of emotion II. Limbic system function III. Limbic system components IV. Substrates for memory V. Clinical considerations Chapter XXV. The Brain in transition: from infancy to old age I. Brain aging - gross II. Brain aging - histological and physiological III. Functional changes IV. Clinical considerations


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