Nuclear Medicine in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment 3/e
Peter J. Ell, MD, MSc, PhD, FR
Churchill Livingstone
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

2 volume
An internationally recognized team of editors and contributors present an authoritative, state-of-the-art reference on nuclear medicine and its clinical applications. They focus on helping the reader to solve the challenges encountered in day-to-day practice, including image interpretation, image optimization techniques, and pitfalls in image acquisition and interpretation. Over 1,760 illustrations, 401 in full color, comprise a comprehensive visual guide to interpretation. Completely revised and thoroughly updated throughout, the 3rd Edition encompasses of all of the latest advances in the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities available for cancer, heart disease, neurologic disorders, and trauma as well as other diseases, both common and rare.
New to this Edition
* Provides completely revised and thoroughly up-to-date coverage in every chapter.

* Introduces a new co-editor—Dr Sam Gambhir, who provides new perspectives on the field’s hottest developments.
* Presents expanded coverage of tumor diagnosis and therapy • cardiac nuclear imaging • and radionuclide imaging of neurologic and psychiatric disorders.
* Features brand-new chapters on lymphoma therapy • PET imaging • sentinel lymph node biopsy • gated SPECT • multi-modality imaging • molecular imaging • drug discovery • cost/benefit analysis • and bone density.
* Incorporates full-color images throughout the text.

Section 1: Nuclear medicine in tumor diagnosis and therapy Part A: Diagnosis 1. Tumor-seeking radiopharmaceuticals: nature and mechanisms 2 Radionuclide imaging of hepatic tumors 3 PET in lymphoma and malignant melanoma 4 Parathyroid imaging 5 Adrenocortical scintigraphy 6 Gallium scintigraphy in tumor diagnosis and management 7 Thallium-201 chloride: a tumor imaging agent 8 MIBG in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors 9 Peptide receptor scintigraphy in oncology 10 The diagnostic role of radiolabeled antibodies in cancer 11 Cancer cell biology basis for nuclear oncology 12 Differentiated thyroid carcinoma 13 Medullary thyroid cancer 14 Breast scintigraphy 15 Pediatric tumors 16 Functional analysis of cancer therapy effects in other organs 17 The use of intraoperative probes in surgical oncology 18 The sentinel lymph node in surgical oncology 19 FDG PET Imaging of Head and Neck Cancer 20 External Beam Radiotherapy Treatment Planning with PET 21 PET in aerodigestive tumors 22 PET in gynecological tumors (breast, cervical and ovarian) 23 Nuclear medicine imaging in pediatric oncology 24 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in genitourinary tumors: prostate, bladder, testicular and renal cancer 25 Future clinical applications of PET (amino acid and nucleoside imaging) 26 PET imaging of brain tumors Section 1: Nuclear medicine in tumor diagnosis and therapy Part B: Radionuclide therapy 27 Principles of radionuclide therapy 28 Dosimetric and radiobiological considerations: The MIRD concept 29 Dosimetric and radiobiological considerations: Patient-individual dosimetry 30 Radioiodine therapy of the thyroid: Treatment of benign thyroid diseases 31 Radioiodine therapy of the thyroid: Treatment of thyroid malignancies 32 Phosphorus-32 therapy in myeloproliferative disorders 33 Palliation of bone pain 34 Radioimmunotherapy of hematologic neoplasms 35 Radioimmunotherapy of solid tumors 36 MIBG therapy 37 Receptor-targeted radiopeptide therapy 38 Use of radiolipiodol in the treatment of hepatic tumours 39 Alternative approaches to targeting therapy 40 New developments: Nuclear gene therapy 41 Atlas 1: PET and PET/CT 42 Atlas 2: SPET and SPET/CT Section 2: Nuclear medicine in disorders of bones and joints 43 Bone scintigraphy: the procedure and interpretation 44 Evaluation of primary bone tumors 45 The evaluation of malignancy: metastatic bone disease 46 Assessment of infection 47 Radionuclide assessment of the painful joint prosthesis 48 Vascular manifestations 49 Bone scintigraphy in trauma 50 Bone scintigraphy in sports medicine 51 Growth and metabolic disorders 52 Arthritis: current status of scintigraphy and future trends 53 Radiation synovectomy Section 3: Quantitative studies of gastrointestinal function 54 Salivary gland disorders 55 Esophageal function (transport and motility) 56 Gastric motility 57 Intestines: evaluation of absorption 58 Studies of small bowel and colonic transit 59 Hepatobiliary function: biliary kinetics 60 Scintigraphic measurement of hepatic function Section 4: Nuclear medicine in acute care 61 Nuclear cardiology and cardiac transplantation 62 Cardiovascular conditions: venous thrombosis 63 Pulmonary embolism 64 Non-embolic disease of the lungs 65 Gastrointestinal bleeding 66 Cholescintigraphy 67 Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia 68 Nuclear medicine in acute care of neurological patients 69 Radiolabeled agents for the localization of infection and inflammation 70 Undiagnosed fever 71 Inflammatory bowel disease 72 Nuclear imaging in cardiovascular infection and cardiac transplant rejection 73 The immunocompromised patient Section 5: Nuclear cardiology 74 Radiopharmaceuticals for the study of the heart 75 Radionuclide ventriculography and the assessment of impaired ventricular function 76 Infarct avid imaging and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy techniques using single photon radiotracers 77 Cardiac positron emission tomography 78 Cardiac stress 79 The detection of coronary artery disease 80 Assessment of prognosis in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease 81 Assessment after myocardial revascularization 82 Assessment of myocardial viability in dysfunctional myocardium 83 Myocardial infarction: the assessment of thrombolysis 84 Congenital heart disease 85 Single-photon imaging of myocardial metabolism: the role of iodine 123 fatty acids and fluorine-18 deoxyglucose 86 Clinical applications of PET 87 Myocardial innervation: imaging and quantification 88 Nuclear medicine techniques in the assessment of human thrombosis and atheroma Section 6: Nuclear medicine in neurological and psychiatric diagnosis 89 The blood-brain barrier 90 Lipophilic tracers: the amines 91 Lipophilic tracers for the study of regional cerebral blood flow 92 Ligands for neuroreceptor imaging by positron or single photon emission tomography 93 PET tracers for brain scanning 94 Neuroactivation 95 Image analysis in brain SPECT and PET 96 SPECT brain imaging in cerebrovascular disease 97 Nuclear medicine in the management of a patient with epilepsy 98 Nuclear medicine and the management of patients with Parkinson’s movement disorders 99 Anxiety disorders and affective disorders 100 Addictions 101 The management of patients with schizophrenia 102 PET and SPECT imaging in evaluating Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias 103 Nuclear medicine and drug studies in the brain 104 Cerebrospinal fluid physiology, clearance flow studies and cerebrospinal fluid shunt studies 105 Atlas 3: PET brain atlas Section 7: Nuclear medicine in renal disorders 106 Overview of renal nuclear medicine 107 Radiopharmaceuticals: their intrarenal handling and localization 108 Dynamic static renal imaging 109 Quantitative evaluation of clearance 110 Measurement and interpretation of renal transit times 111 The role of PET in renal nuclear medicine 112 Renal infection 113 Pediatric aspects of radionuclides in nephrourology 114 Nuclear medicine in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of obstructive uropathy 115 Vascular disorders, with emphasis on hypertension 116 Renal failure 117 Space-occupying lesions and trauma 118 Renal transplant evaluation 119 The genital tract Sction 8: Basic sciences 120 Fundamental molecular/cell biology 121 Radioisotope production 122 Radiochemistry 123 Radiopharmacy 124 Basic physics and detection of radiation 125 Nuclear medicine imaging instrumentation 126 Nuclear medicine computers: Basic principles 127 Nuclear medicine computers: Applications 128 Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 129 Positron emission tomography (PET) 130 Primer on molecular imaging 131 Radiation protection and dosimetry in clinical practice 132 Clinical decision making: an introductory, quantitative approach to diagnostic investigations 133 ecision analysis fundamentals


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