Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Wilfred M. Weinstein, MD
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presents clinically focused, evidence-based coverage on the diagnosis
and treatment of disorders of the digestive tract. An international
team of leading experts provides a worldwide perspective on patient
management, explaining step-by-step how to apply the latest advances
in diagnosis and management. Succinct yet comprehensive explanations
provide just the right amount of clinical detail. Plus, a consistent
organization and stunning full-color art program enable readers to
quickly and easily access the specific information they need.
Part One: SYMPTOMS, SYNDROMES AND SCENARIOS Discomfort above the diaphragm 1. Differential diagnosis and management of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) 2. Heartburn and non-cardiac chest pain 3. Dysphagia and odynophagia Discomfort below the diaphragm 4. Chronic or recurrent abdominal pain 5. Dyspepsia 6. Nausea and vomiting 7. Bloating and early satiety 8. Belching and rumination Disorders of defecation 9. Diarrhea including acute, chronic and bloody 10. Fecal incontinence 11. Rectal bleeding 12. Anorectal pain Generalized ill health 13. Anorexia and eating disorders 14. Weight loss 15. Gastrointestinal causes of anemia and occult bleeding 16. Pruritus 17. Jaundice 18. Spotting and dealing with signs of chronic liver disease 19. Ascites 20. Abnormal liver function tests Urgent situations 21. Acute abdominal pain 22. Hematemesis and melena 23. Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding Scenarios 24. Being infected with H. pylori 25. Being on NSAIDs 26. Gastrointestinal problems in primary care 27. Gastrointestinal problems in the elderly 28. Gastrointestinal problems in pediatrics Part Two: DISEASES OF THE GUT AND LIVER I. DISORDERS OF THE UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Esophageal: benign 29. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) including hiatus hernia and esophagitis 30. Benign esophageal strictures and caustic esophageal injury Esophageal: malignant and premalignant 31. Barrett’s esophagus 32. Esophageal cancer Upper gastrointestinal infections 33. Infections of the esophagus and stomach 34. H. pylori:Its diseases and management Gastroduodenal: benign 35. Peptic ulcer 36. Gastritis Gastroduodenal: malignant and premalignant 37. Adenocarcinoma 38. Gastric lymphoma 39. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and other gastroduodenal tumors Motility disorders 40. Esophageal motility disorders 41. Gastric motility disorders II. DISORDERS OF THE SMALL AND LARGE BOWEL Food, nutrition and malabsorption 42. Food allergy and intolerance 43. Maldigestion and malabsorption 44. Celiac sprue 45. Short bowel syndrome 46. Small bowel bacterial overgrowth 47. Bile acid malabsorption 48. Protein-losing disorders of the gastrointestinal tract Intestinal infections and infestations 49. Infective diarrhea 50. Travellers’ diarrhea 51. Abdominal tuberculosis 52. Parasites Inflammatory bowel disease 53. Ulcerative colitis 54. Crohn’s disease 55. Indeterminate colitis 56. Microscopic colitis 57. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis 58. Pseudomembraneous colitis 59. Ischemia and ischemic colitis Malignant tumors 60a. Biology and genetics of colorectal cancer 60b. Colorectal cancer: screening and surveillance 60c. Polyps and polyposis 60d. Team approach to cancer management 61. Other gastrointestinal tumors Motility disorders 62. Obstruction and volvulus 63. Constipation and constipation syndromes 64. Irritable bowel syndrome 65. Diverticular disease of the colon 66. Disorders of colorectal dysmotility Other disorders of the small and large bowel 67. Splanchnic vascular disorders 68. Drug-induced damage to the small and large intestines 69. Appendicitis Anorectal disorders 70. Anorectal diseases III. DISEASES OF THE PANCREAS AND BILIARY TRACT Pancreas 71. Acute pancreatitis 72. Chronic pancreatitis 73. Pancreatric exocrine tumors 74. Cysts of the pancreas 75. Development and miscellaneous abnormalities Biliary tract 76. Cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis and cholecystitis 77. Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction 78. Primary sclerosing cholangitis 79. Cholangiacarcinoma Malformations 80. Congenital abnormalities of the biliary tract IV. LIVER DISEASE Infections Auto-immune and related disorders 85. Primary biliary cirrhosis 86. Chronic autoimmune hepatitis and overlap syndrome Genetic and metabolic liver diseases 87. Alcoholic liver diseases 88. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) 89. Hemochromatosis 90. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 91. Wilson’s disease 92. Drug-induced and toxic liver disease 93. Genetic and metabolic liver diseases of childhood 94. Disturbances of bilirubin metabolism Cirrhosis of the liver and its complications 95. Cirrhosis of the liver 96. Portal hypertension 97. Ascites and hepatorenal syndrome 98. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 99. Hepatopulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary hypertension 100. Episodic encephalopathy 101. Fulminant liver failure and acute encephalopathy Other liver diseases 102. Tumors of the liver 103. Vascular disorders of the liver 104. Granulomas of the liver 105. Liver diseases and pregnancy Liver transplantation 106. Liver transplantation: indications and selection of candidates and immediate complications 107. Long-term management and recurrence of primary liver disease V. DISEASES OF MULTIPLE ORGAN SYSTEMS 108. Gastrointestinal tract in systemic disease 109. Gut/pancreatic endocrine tumors 110. The carcinoid syndrome 111. AIDS and the gut 112. Graft-versus-host disease 113. Radiation and other physico- chemical injury 114. Amyloidosis 115. Foreign bodies 116. Porphyria VI. ABDOMINAL WALL AND CAVITY 117. Absesses and other intra-abdominal diseases 118. Hernias and the abdominal wall Part Three: PRIMER OF DIAGNOSTIC METHODS Endoscopic imaging 19. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and mucosal biopsy 120. Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy and mucosal biopsy 121. Endoscopic ultrasound 122. Diagnostic and interventional endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 123. Capsule endoscopy Percutaneous imaging 124. Percutaneous ultrasound 125. Barium radiology 126. Computed tomography (CT) 127. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 128. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) 129. Virtual endoscopy imaging 130. Positron emission tomography (PET) Functional testing 131. Functional evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract 132. Motility testing 133. Measurement of portal pressure Tissue testing 134. Liver biopsy 135. Histopathology primer for gastroenterologists and hepatologists Part Four: PRIMER OF TREATMENTS Medical treatments 136. Drugs used in gastrointestinal and liver disease 137. Drug prex_scription in liver disease 138. An approach to nutritional assessment 139. Nutrition support 140. Complementary medicine for irritable and inflammatory bowel Therapeutic endoscopy 141. Conscious sedation 142. Sclerotherapy, banding and other hemostatic techniques for varices and other lesions 143. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) 144. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) and jejunostomy 145. Endoscopic resection of tumors and polyps 146. Dilation and stenting of the gastrointestinal tract Percutaneous therapy 147. The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) 148. Interventional radiology 149. Paracentesis A synopsis of surgical operations 150. Liver operations 151. Gastrointestinal operations 152. Minimally invasive surgery Index


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