Trans Fatty Acids
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
Trans fatty acids (TFAs) have been used for many years to impart desirable physical characteristics to fats and fat blends used in food manufacturing. However, clinical trials and epidemiological studies conducted over the last thirty years have shown that TFAs can increase "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood while reducing "good" cholesterol. Accordingly, they are also linked with increased risks of coronary heart disease, thrombosis and strokes. For this reason, the food industry has been obliged to find alternatives to TFAs, thus enabling it to meet the presumed consumer demand for "low" or "no" trans fats products. The issue is becoming more and more pressing. For example, US labelling regulations now require that food manufacturers state the trans fat content of their products on the packaging.

This book provides an overview of trans fatty acids in oils and fats used in food manufacture. Topics covered include: the chemistry and occurrence of TFAs; analytical methods for determining the fatty acid composition including TFAs of foods; processing techniques for reducing, minimising or even avoiding the formation of TFAs; TFA alternatives in food; health and nutrition concerns and legislative aspects. It is directed at chemists and technologists working in edible oils and fats processing and product development; food scientists and technologists; analytical chemists and nutritionists working in the food industry.
Ch1. Fatty Acids: structure, occurrence, nomenclature, biosynthesis and properties. Professor Richard J. Hamilton, Merseyside, UK Ch2. Trans Fatty Acids Intake: Epidemiology and Health Implications. Dr Geok Lin Khor and Dr Norhaizan Mohd. Esa, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia Ch3. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Effects on Body Composition and Clinical Biomarkers of Disease in Animals and Man. Klaus W.J. Wahle and Marie Goua, The Robert Gordon University, School of Life Sciences, Aberdeen, UK, Simona D`Urso, Department of Zootechnological Sciences and Nutrition, Frederico II University of Napoli, Italy, and Steven D. Heys, Department of Surgical and Nutritional Oncology, Medical School, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK. Ch4. Analysis of Trans Mono- and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Professor Jean-Louis Sebedio, INRA, Unite de Nutrition Humaine, Mass Spectrometry Platform, Saint Genes Champanelle, France, and W.M.N. Ratnayake, Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ch5. Controlling physical and chemical properties of fat blends through their triglyceride compositions. Dr Albert J. Dijkstra, St. Eutrope-de-Born, France Ch6. Trans isomer control in hydrogenation of edible oils. Annemarie Beers and Rob Ariaansz, BASF Nederland B.V., and Douglas Okonek, BASF Catalysts LLC Ch7. Fractionation and Interesterification. Dr Wim De Greyt, De Smet Technologies & Services, Zaventem, Belgium, and Dr Albert J. Dijkstra, St. Eutrope-de-Born, France Ch8. Food applications of trans fatty acids. John Podmore, Liverpool, UK Ch9. Food applications without trans fatty acid. Pernille Gerstenberg Kirkeby, Gerstenberg Schroeder A/S, Brondby, Denmark


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