Neurology & General Medicine,4/e
Churchill Livingstone
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
the best possible care! This one-of-a-kind reference provides a practical look at neurological disease and how it affects, and is affected by, other disease. It helps neurologists manage patients with co-existing medical conditions, and helps internists understand and treat the neurological manifestations of patients` primary diseases. A new emphasis on diagnosis and management?including advances in pharmacology, genetic-based therapies, and new imaging techniques?makes this 4th Edition more clinically valuable than ever!
1. Breathing and the Nervous System 2. Neurological Complications of Aortic Disease and Surgery 3. Neurological Complications of Cardiac Surgery 4. Neurological Manifestations of Congenital Heart Disease and Cardiac Surgery in Children 5. Neurological Manifestations of Acquired Cardiac Disease and Dysrhythmias and of Interventional Cardiology 6. Neurological Manifestations of Infective Endocarditis 7. Neurological Complications of Hypertension 8. Postural Hypotension 9. Neurological Complications of Cardiac Arrest 10. Cardiac Manifestations of Acute Neurological Lesions 11. Neurocutaneous Syndromes 12. Neurological Manifestations of Cutaneous Diseases 13. Neurological Manifestations of Hematological Disorders 14. Hepatic Encephalopathy 15. Other Neurological Disorders Associated with Gastrointestinal Disease 16. Disturbances of Gastrointestinal Motility and the Nervous System 17. Nutritional Disorders of the Nervous System 18. Neurological Complications of Renal Failure 19. Neurological Manifestations of Electrolyte Disturbances 20. Thyroid Disease and the Nervous System 21. Diabetes and the Nervous System 22. Sex Hormones and the Nervous System 23. Other Endocrinopathies and the Nervous System 24. Neurological Disorders Associated with Bone and Joint Disease 25. Otoneurological Manifestations of Systemic and Otological Disease 26. Ophthalmological Manifestations of Neurological Disease 27.Paraneoplastic Syndromes Involving the Nervous System 28.Neurological Complications of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy 29. Connective Tissue Diseases and the Nervous System 30. Psychiatry and Neurology 31. Postconcussion Syndrome 32. Neurological Aspects of Sleep 33. Sphincter Disorders and the Nervous System 34. Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Neurological Disorders 35. Pregnancy and Disorders of the Nervous System 36. Iatrogenic (Drug-Induced) Disorders of the Nervous System 37. Alcohol and the Nervous System 38. Neurological Complications of Drugs of Abuse 39. Neurological Complications of Toxin Exposure in the Workplace 40. Acute Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System 41. Neurological Manifestations of Spirochetal Infections 42. Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System 43. Neurological Complications of Leprosy 44. Nervous System Complications of Systemic Viral Infections 45. AIDS and the Nervous System 46. Neurological Complications of Organ Transplantation and Immunosuppressive Agents 47. HTLV-I Infection and the Nervous System 48. Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System 49. Parasitic Infections of the Central Nervous System 50. Neurological Complications of Immunization 51. Sarcoidosis of the Nervous System 52. Neurological Complications in Critically Ill Patients 53. Neurological Complications of Imaging Procedures 54. Neurological Complications of Anesthesia 55. Neurological Complications of Thermal and Electrical Burns 56. Abnormalities of Thermal Regulation and the Nervous System 57. The Neurology of Aging 58. Seizures and General Medical Disorders 59. Involuntary Movements in General Medical Disorders 60. Neuromuscular Complications of General Medical Disorders 61. Stroke as a Complication of General Medical Disorders 62. Disorders of Consciousness in Systemic Disease 63. Care at the End of Life Index


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