Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract(2 Vol Set),4/e
Kim E. Barrett
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FROM THE PREFACE: The original purpose of the First Edition of Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract—to collect in one set of volumes the most current and comprehensive knowledge in our field—was also the driving force for the Fourth Edition. The explosion of information at the cellular level, made possible in part by the continued emergence of powerful molecular and cellular techniques, has resulted in a greater degree of revision than that of any other edition. The first section, now titled "Basic Cell Physiology and Growth of the Gl Tract" contains numerous new chapters on topics such as tranx_scriptional regulation, signaling networks in development, apoptosis, and mechanisms in malignancies. Most of the chapters in this section were edited by Juanita L. Merchant. Section II has been renamed "Neural Gastroenterology and Motility" and has been expanded from seven chapters with rather classic titles to more than twenty chapters encompassing not only the movement of the various parts of the digestive tract but also cell physiology, neural regulation, stress, and the regulation of food intake. Almost all of the chapters were recruited and edited by Jackie D. Wood. The third section is entirely new and contains chapters on "Immunology and Inflammation" which were edited by Kim E. Barrett. The fourth section on the "Physiology of Secretion" consists of chapters with familiar titles, but with completely updated information to reflect the advances in our understanding of the cellular processes involved in secretion. The last section on "Digestion and Absorption" contains new chapters on the intestinal barrier, protein sorting and ion channels along with those focusing on the uptake of specific nutrients. These chapters were recruited and edited by Hamid M. Said and Fayez K. Ghishan.

Section I: Basic Cell Physiology and Growth of the GI Tract 1. Tranx_scription and Epigenetic Regulation Juanita L. Merchant and Longchuan Bai 2. Translation and Posttranslational Processing of GI Peptides Cheryl E. Gariepy and Chris J. Dickinson 3. Transmembrane Receptors for Endogenous Ligands and Associated SignalsNigel Bunnett 4. Gastrointestinal Hormones: Gastrin, CCK, Somatostatin, Ghrelin Graham J. Dockray 5. Post-Pyloric Gastrointestinal Peptides Ella W. Englander and George H. Greeley 6. GI Peptide Hormones Regulating Energy and Glucose Homeostasis Daniel J. Drucker 7. Growth Factors in the GI Tract John Barnard and Kirk McHugh 8. Developmental Signaling Networks: The Wnt/APC/b-catenin pathway Eric Fearon 9. Hedgehog Signaling in Gastrointestinal Morphogenesis and Morphostasis Gijs R. van den Brink, Maikel P. Peppelenbosch, and Drucilla J. Roberts 10. Developmental Signaling Networks: The Notch Pathway Guy R. Sander, Hanna Krysinska, and Barry Powell 11. Physiology of Gastrointestinal Stem Cells Alda Vidrich, Jenny M. Buzan, Sarah A. De La Rue, and Steven M. Cohn 12. Apoptosis in the Gastrointestinal Tract Leonard R. Johnson 13. Molecular Aspects and Regulation of Gastrointestinal Function During Post-Natal DevelopmentJames F. Collins, Liqun Bai, Hua Xu and Fayez K. Ghishan 14. Effect of Aging on the Gastrointestinal Tract Adhip P.N. Majumdar and Marc D. Basson 15. Regulation of Gastrointestinal Normal Cell Growth Mark R. Hellmich and B. Mark Evers 16. Mucosal Repair and Restitution Mark R. Frey and D. Brent Polk 17. Mechanisms of GI Malignancies John P. Lynch and Anil K. Rustgi Section II: Neural Gastroenterology and Motility 18. Development of Enteric Nervous System Michael Gershon 19. Cellular Physiology of Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle Gabriel M. Makhlouf and Karnam S. Murthy 20. Organization and Electrophysiology of Interstitial Cells of Cajal and Smooth Muscle Cells in the Gastrointestinal Tract Kenton M. Sanders, Sang Don Koh, and Sean M. Ward 21. Functional Histoanatomy of the Enteric Nervous System Simon JH Brookes and Marcello Costa 22. Physiology of Prevertebral Sympathetic Ganglia Joseph H. Szurszewski and Steven M. Miller 23. Cellular Neurophysiology of Enteric Neurons Jackie Wood 24. Integrative Functions of the Enteric Nervous System Jackie D. Wood 25. Extrinsic Sensory Afferent Nerves Innervating the Gastrointestinal Tract Michael J. Beyak, David C.E. Bulmer, Wen Jiang, Christopher D. Keating, Weifang Rong, and David Grundy 26. Processing of Gastrointestinal Sensory Signals in the Brain Anthony R. Hobson and Qasim Aziz 27. Enteric Neural Regulation of Mucosal Secretion Helen J. Cooke and Fievos L. Christofi 28. Effect of Stress on Intestinal Mucosal Function Johan D. Soderholm and Mary H. Perdue 29. Effect of Stress on Gastrointestinal Motility Michele Gue 30. HPA-Axis In Gastrointestinal Physiology Yvette Tache 31. Neural Regulation of Gastrointestinal Blood Flow Peter Holzer 32. Neural Control of the Gallbladder and Sphincter of Oddi Gary M. Mawe, Gino T.P. Saccone, and Maria J. Pozo 33. Brainstem Control of the Gastric Function Richard C. Rodgers, Gerlinda E. Hermann, and R. Alberto Travagli 34. Neural and Hormonal Controls of Food Intake and Satiety Timothy H. Moran 35. Pharyngeal Motor Function Reza Shaker 36. Motor Function of the Esophagus Ray E. Clouse and Nicholas E. Diamant 37. Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Gastric Reservoir Function Jan Tack 38. Small Intestinal Motility William L. Hasler 39. Large Intestinal Motility Sushil Sarna 40. Neural Control of Pelvic Floor Muscles David B. Vodusek and Paul Enck 41. Pathophysiology Underlying the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Jackie D. Wood Section III. Gastrointestinal Immunology and Inflammation 42. Innate Immune Responses in the GI Tract: Sensors and Effectors Lars Eckmann 43. Biology of Gut Immunoglobulins Finn-Eirik Johansen, Elizabeth Yen, Bonny Dickinson, Massaru Yoshida, Steve Claypool, Richard S. Blumberg, and Wayne I. Lencer 44. Mechanisms of Helicobacter pylori-induced Gastric Inflammation Dawn A. Israel and Richard M. Peek Jr. 45. Mechanisms and Consequences of Intestinal Inflammation in the GutWallace MacNaughton 46. Recruitment of Inflammatory and Immune Cells in the Gut: Physiology and Pathophysiology D. Neil Granger, Christopher Kevil, and Matthew B. Grisham 47. Physiology of Host-Pathogen Interactions Kim Hodges, V.K. Viswanathan and Gail Hecht Section IV. Physiology of Secretion 48. Salivary Secretion David Cook 49. Regulation of Gastric Acid Secretion Arthur Shulkes, Graham S. Baldwin, and Andrew S. Giraud 50. Gastroduodenal Mucosal Defense Marshall H. Montrose, Yasutada Akiba, Koji Takeuchi, and Jonathan D. Kaunitz 51. Genetically Engineered Mouse Models of Gastric Physiology Linda C. Samuelson 52. Structure-Function Relationships in the Pancreatic Acinar Cell Fred S. Gorelick and James D. Jamieson 53. Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in Pancreatic Acinar Cells John A. Williams and David I. Yule 54. Cell Physiology of Pancreatic Ducts B.E. Argent, M.A. Gray, M.C. Steward, and R.M. Case 55. Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion Rodger A. Liddle 56. Bile Formation and the Enterohepatic Circulation Paul Dawson, Ben Shneider and Alan Hofmann 57. Mechanisms of Hepatocyte Organic Anion Transport Allan W. Wolkoff 58. Mechanisms of Hepatocyte Detoxification Karen F. Murray, Donald J. Messner, and Kris V. Kowdley 59. Physiology of Cholangiocytes Anatoliy I. Masyuk, Tatyana V. Masyuk, and Nicholas F. LaRusso 60. Gallbladder Function Sum P. Lee and Rahul Kuver Section V. Digestion and Absorption 61. Tight Junctions and the Intestinal Barrier Thomas Y. Ma, and James M. Anderson 62. Protein Sorting in the Exocytic and Endocytic Pathways in Polarized Epithelial Cells Stephen J. Hunt and W. James Nelson 63. Physiology of the Circulation of the Small Intestine Philip T. Nowicki 64. Sugar Absorption Ernest M. Wright, Donald D. F. Loo, Bruce A. Hirayama, and Eric Turk 65. Protein Digestion and Absorption Vadivel Ganapathy, Naren Gupta, and Robert G. Martindale 66. Lipid Digestion and Absorption Judy Storch and Nada Abumurad 67. Genetic Regulation of Intestinal Lipid Transport and Metabolism Zhouji Chen and Nicholas O. Davidson 68. Digestion and Intestinal Absorption of Dietary Carotenoids & Vitamin A Alexandrine During and Earl H. Harrison 69. Vitamin D3: Synthesis, Actions, and Mechanisms in the Intestine and Colon J. Wesley Pike, Makoto Watanuki, and Nirupama K. Shevde 70. Vitamin E and Vitamin K Metabolism Ronald J. Sokol, Richard Bruno, and Maret Traber 71. Intestinal Absorption of Water-Soluble Vitamins Hamid M. Said and Bellur Seetharam 72. Water Transport in the Gastrointestinal Tract Jay R. Thiagarajah and Alan S. Verkman 73. Na+/H+ Exchange in Mammalian Digestive Tract Pawel R. Kiela and Fayez K. Ghishan 74. Intestinal Anion Absorption Pradeep K. Dudeja and Krishnamurthy Ramaswamy 75. Ion Channels of the Epithelia of the Gastrointestinal Tract John Cuppoletti and Danuta H. Malinowska 76. Integrated Physiology of Intestinal Electrolyte TransportKim Barrett and Stephen Keely 77. Molecular Mechanisms of Intestinal Transport of Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium James F. Collins and Fayez K. Ghishan 78. Iron Absorption Nancy C. Andrews 79. Trace Element Absorption and Transport Robert J. Cousins


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