Foundations of Anesthesia Basic Sciences for Clinical Practice 2/e
Hugh C. Hemmings
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
118 international experts provide you with complete coverage of basic
and clinical science in anesthesiology. They emphasize the principles
and clinical applications of molecular and cell biology, physiology,
pharmacology, and physics and measurement. Over 700 full-color
illustrations and easy-to-read tables and graphs help you understand
every detail.

Key Features

*Uses a visual approach with excellent full-color line illustrations.

*Includes a bonus CD-ROM that allows you to download all of the book’
s figures into PowerPoint® for electronic presentations.

*Refers only to key references from primary papers keeping
information that is the most up-to-date.
Section 1: General principles 1. Molecular structure and biochemistry 2. Biology of the cell 3. Cell signaling 4. Principles and techniques of molecular biology 5. Genomics and proteomics 6. Molecular physiology 7. Sites of drug action 8. Pharmacokinetic principles 9. Anesthetic drug interactions 10. Adverse drug reactions 11. Basic physical principles 12. Electromagnetism, light and radiation 13. Electrocardiography 14. Electrophysiological monitoring 15. Basic principles and limitations of hemodynamic monitoring 16. Monitoring of gas concentrations 17. Ultrasonography 18. Statistics Section 2: Neurosciences 19. The structure and function of neurons 20. The synapse 21. Neurophysiology 22. Sensory systems 23. Physiology of pain 24. General anesthetics: mechanisms of action 25. Intravenous anesthetic agents 26. Inhalational anesthetic agents 27. Pharmacokinetics of inhalation anesthetics 28. Anesthetic adjuvants and other CNS drugs 29. Consciousness and cognition 30. Sleep and anesthesia 31. Opioids 32. Nonopioid analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs 33. Pharmacology of local anesthetics 34. Autonomic nervous system Section 3: Muscle 35. Voluntary motor systems—skeletal muscle, reflexes, and control of movement 36. Neuromuscular junction physiology 37. Neuromuscular junction pharmacology 38. Vascular smooth muscle Section 4: Cardiovascular system 39. Cardiac physiology 40. Cardiac electrophysiology 41. Cardiovascular pharmacology 42. Regulation and assessment of cardiac function 43. The peripheral circulation 44. Ischemic heart disease and heart failure 45. Valvular heart disease Section 5: Respiratory system 46. Regulation of respiration 47. Ventilation and perfusion 48. Gas exchange 49. Respiratory mechanics 50. Lung function testing 51. Drugs affecting the respiratory system Section 6: Pathological sciences 52. Blood constituents and transfusion 53. Homeostasis and coagulation 54. The immune system 55. Microbiology 56. Ischemia Section 7: Renal system 57. Renal physiology 58. Renal pathophysiology 59. Regulation of blood volume and electrolytes 60. Acid-base homeostasis Section 8: Gastrointestinal system and metabolism 61. Gut motility and decretions 62. Nutrition, figestion and sbsorption 63. Physiology and pharmacology of nausea and vomiting 64. Physiology and pharmacology of the liver 65. Regulation of intermediary metabolism 66. Endocrinology 67. Thermoregulation Section 9: Adaptive physiology 68. Pregnancy 69. Geriatrics 70. Neonatology 71. The pathophysiology of obesity and its implications for anesthesia 72. Physiological response to surgery 73. Sepsis Index


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