Roberton`s Textbook of Neonatology, 4th Edition
Churchill Livingstone
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Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest in neonatology, the 4th Edition of this definitive reference presents state-of-the-art, comprehensive coverage on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, management, and prognosis for diseases in the newborn, and describes the routine care of the well baby.

Covers every aspect of the care of the newborn, including advice about resuscitation, emergency intensive care, practical procedures, differential diagnosis, and ongoing care.
Provides information about long term outcomes wherever possible.
Includes contributions from fetal medicine physicians, obstetricians, epidemiologists, surgeons, and lawyers who provide valuable background information essential to the modern practice of neonatology
I. Organization, Delivery and Outcome of Neonatal Care 1. Epidemiology 2. Organisation and Evaluation of Perinatal Care 3. Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Preterm Babies 4. Psychological Aspects of Neonatal Care 5. Counselling and Support for Parents and Families 6.1. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Neonatology: Ethics 6.2. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Neonatology: The Law 7. Special Problems in Developing Countries II. Prenatal Life 8. Basic Genetics 9. Antenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine 10. Fetal Growth, Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Small for Gestational Age Babies 11. Maternal Illness in Pregnancy 12. Obstetrics for the Neonatologist III. Care Around Birth 13.1. Resuscitation of the Newborn 13.2. Neonatal Transport IV. General Neonatal Care 14. Examination of the Newborn 15. Temperature Control and Disorders 16.1. Infant Feeding: Nutritional Physiology: Dietary Requirements of Term and Preterm Infants 16.2. Infant Feeding: Feeding the Full-Term Baby 16.3. Infant Feeding: Feeding Low-Birthweight Infants 17. Parenteral Nutrition 18. Fluids and Electrolyte Balance 19. Intensive Care Monitoring and Data Handling 20. Care of the Normal Term Newborn Baby 21. Care of the Normal Small Baby/NICU 22. The Infant of a Diabetic Mother 23. Multiple Births Elizabeth 24. Pharmacology 25. Analgesia 26. The Baby of a Substance-Abusing Mother V. Disorders of the Newborn 27.1. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Physiology 27.2. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Acute Respiratory Disease 27.3. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Chronic Lung Disease 27.4. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Apnoea and Bradycardia 27.5. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Malformations of the Lower Respiratory Tract 27.6. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Diaphragmatic Hernia 27.7. Pulmonary Disease of the Newborn: Airways Problems 28. Cardiovascular Disease 29.1. Gastroenterology: Neonatal Jaundice 29.2. Gastroenterology: Liver Disease 29.3. Gastroenterology: Gastrointestinal Disorders 29.4. Gastroenterology: Congenital Defects and Surgical Problems 30. Haematology 31. Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis 32. Malformation Syndromes 33. Dermatology 34. Ophthalmology 35.1. Metabolic Disease: Disorders of Blood Glucose Homeostasis in the Neonate 35.2. Metabolic Disease: Endocrine Disorders 35.3. Metabolic Disease: Inborn Errors of Metabolism in the Neonate 35.4. Metabolic Disease: Bone Disease 36.1. Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract: Renal Function and Renal Disease in the Newborn 36.2. Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract: Urology 37. Neonatal Malignancy 38. Orthopaedic Problems 39. Neonatal Gynaecology 40.1. Neonatal Infection: Immunodeficiency 40.2. Neonatal Infection: Infection in the Newborn 41.1. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Assessment of the Neonatal Nervous System 41.2. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Seizures 41.3. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Intracranial Haemorrhage 41.4. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Hypoxic-Ischaemic Injury 41.5. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Preterm Brain Injury: Preterm Cerebral Haemorrhage 41.6. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Hereditary and Degenerative CNS Disease 41.7. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Muscle Disease 41.8. Neurological Problems in the Newborn: Central Nervous Systems Malformations VI. Pathology, Radiology and Biochemistry 42. Perinatal Postmortem 43. The Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory 44. Neonatal Imaging VII. Practical Procedures 45. Procedures and Iatrogenic Disorders I. Pharmacopoeia 46. Pharmacopoeia Appendices 1. Haematological Values in the Newborn 2. Coagulation Values in Term and Preterm Infants 3. Normal Ranges for Commonly Assessed ECG Values 4. Neonatal Blood Pressure: Normal Values 6. Neonatal Biochemical Reference Ranges 7. Normal Blood Gas Values NRC 8. Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid Values 9. Oxyhaemaglobin Dissociation Curve NRC 10. Siggard-Andersen


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