Radiology Secrets,2/e
E. Scott Pretorius
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The Secrets Series® is breaking new ground again. This best-selling volume in the very popular Secrets Series® is back in an exciting, updated, and completely redesigned 2nd Edition! With a new, two-color page layout, a more portable size, a list of the "Top 100 Secrets" in radiology, and access to the entire book and more online, it helps readers to better meet the challenges they face today. At the same time, the book retains all of the features that readers have always appreciated—a question-and-answer format, lists, mnemonics, tables, and an informal tone that make reference fast and easy. No matter what questions arise, in practice or while preparing for the radiology boards, this 2nd Edition has the answers—in print and online. The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld * Uses bulleted lists, tables, short answers, and a highly detailed index to expedite reference. * Features pearls, tips, memory aids, and "secrets" from the experts. * Covers all of today’s most common conditions and their treatment.

New to this Edition
* Presents a list of the “Top 100 Secrets” to keep in mind during residency and practice.
* Features a new, more compact trim size (5 1/4" x 8 1/2") for enhanced portability.
* Makes information easier to find with a new, two-color page layout and “Key Points” boxes.
* Identifies useful online sources of additional information.
* Reflects the relative importance of imaging modalities.
* Includes new sections on cardiac and noninvasive vascular imaging and PET.
* Includes new chapters on radiology as a profession, such as; training pathways in radiology, malpractice issues in radiology, and radiology organizations.
* Includes access to STUDENT CONSULT! At, readers will find the complete text and illustrations of the book online, fully searchable
• "Integration Links" to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles
• content clipping for handheld devices
• an interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources
• and much more!
I. Introduction to Imaging Modalities 1. Introduction to Plain Film Radiography and Fluoroscopy Linda Kulzer Petrovich, MD, and E. Scott Pretorius, MD 2. Introduction to Ultrasound, CT, and MRI E. Scott Pretorius, MD 3. Introduction to Nuclear Medicine Linda Kulzer Petrovich, MD, and E. Scott Pretorius, MD 4. Computers in Radiology William W. Boonn, MD II. Breast Imaging 5. Screening Mammography Susan P. Weinstein, MD 6. Diagnostic Mammography Susan P. Weinstein, MD 7. Breast Ultrasound and Breast Procedures Susan P. Weinstein, MD III. Cardiac and Noninvasive Vascular Imaging 9. Cardiac Imaging Sridhar R Charagundla, MD, PhD, and Harold I Litt, MD, PhD 10. CTA and MRA of the Aorta Andrew J. Kapustin, MD, and Harold I. Litt, MD, PhD 11. CTA of the Pulmonary Vasculature Milan Sheth, MD, and Harold I Litt, MD, PhD 12. CTA and MRA of the Mesenteric and Peripheral Vasculature Maxim Itkin, MD, and Harold I. Litt, MD, PhD IV. Gastrointestinal Tract 13. Plain Radiographs of the Abdomen Stephen E. Rubesin, MD 14. The Upper GI Tract Stephen E. Rubesin, MD 15. The Colon and Barium Enema Stephen E. Rubesin, MD 16. MR and CT of the Liver and Biliary Tract Evan S. Siegelman, MD 17. CT and MRI of the Spleen E. Scott Pretorius, MD 18. CT and MRI of the Pancreas Wendy C. Hsu, MD, and E. Scott Pretorius, MD 19. CT of the Acute Abdomen and Pelvis Drew A. Torigian, MD V. Genitourinary Tract 20. Intravenous Urography Parvati Ramchandani, MD 21. Genitourinary Fluoroscopic Examinations Parvati Ramchandani, MD 22. CT and MRI of the Kidney E. Scott Pretorius, MD 23. CT and MRI of the Adrenal Glands E. Scott Pretorius, MD 24. Ultrasound of the Female Pelvis Jeffrey Scott Friedenberg, MD, and Susan E. Rowling, MD 25. MRI of the Female Pelvis Gautham Mallampati, MD 26. MRI and Ultrasound of the Male Pelvis Lisa Jones, MD PhD, and E. Scott Pretorius, MD VI. Interventional Radiology 27. Patient Sedation and Pain Management Charles T. Lau, MD, and S. William Stavropoulos, MD 28. Equipment, Terms, and Techniques in Interventional Radiology Jeffrey A. Solomon, MD, MBA, and S. William Stavropolous, MD 29. Inferior Vena Cava Filters S. William Stavropoulos, MD, and Jeffrey A Solomon, MD, MBA 30. Peripheral Vascular Disease Jeffrey A. Solomon, MD, MBA, and Jeffrey I. Mondschein, MD 31. Embolization Techniques and Applications Sara Chen, MD, and S. William Stavropoulos, MD 32. Hepatobiliary and Portal Venous Interventions Jeffrey I. Mondschein, MD 33. Genitourinary and Gastrointestinal Interventional Radiology Charles T. Lau, MD, and S. William Stavropoulos, MD VII. Musculoskeletal Radiology 34. Extremity Plain Films and Trauma Woojin Kim, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 35. Plain Film examination of Spinal Trauma Woojin Kim, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 36. Nontraumatic Spine Plain Films and Degenerative Disease Christopher J. Yoo, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 37. Osteoporosis Neil Roach, MD 38. Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory Arthritis Daniel Saurborn, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 39. Osteomyelitis Andrew Gordon, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 40. Bone Tumors Judy S. Blebea, MD 41. Shoulder MRI Neil Roach, MD 42. MRI of the Elbow and Wrist Christopher J. Yoo, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 43. MRI of the Hip Gregory Goodworth, MD, and Neil Roach, MD 44. MRI of the Knee Hanna M. Zafar MD, MHS, and Neil Roach, MD 45. MRI of the Foot and Ankle Neil Roach, MD VIII. Neuroradiology 46. Brain: Anatomy, Trauma, and Tumors Gul Moonis, MD, and Laurie A. Loevner, MD 47. Brain: Inflammatory, Infectious, and Vascular Diseases Gul Moonis, MD, and Laurie A. Loevner, MD 48. Advanced Imaging of the Spine Linda J. Bagley, MD, and Laurie A. Loevner, MD 49. Head and Neck I Mary Scanlon, MD, and Laurie A. Loevner, MD 50. Head and Neck II Mary Scanlon, MD, and Laurie A. Loevner, MD IX. Nuclear Radiology 51. Positron Emission Tomography Andrew Newberg, MD 52. Bone Scans Andrew Newberg, MD 53. VQ Scans Andrew Newberg, MD 54. Thyroid Scintigraphy Andrew Newberg, MD 55. GI/GU Scintigraphy Andrew Newberg, MD 56. Nuclear Cardiology Andrew Newberg, MD X. Pediatric Radiology 57. Pediatric Thoracic Radiology D. Andrew Mong, MD 58. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Radiology Kerry Bron, MD, and Avrum N. Pollock, MD, FRCPC 59. Pediatric Uroradiology Richard D. Bellah, MD 60. Pediatric Neuroradiology D. Andrew Mong, MD, and Avrum N. Pollock, MD 61. Pediatric Musculoskeletal Radiology D. Andrew Mong MD 62. Imaging of Child Abuse Andrew Mong, MD, and Avrum N. Pollock, MD XI. Thoracic Radiology 63. Solitary and Multiple Pulmonary Nodules Drew A. Torigian, MD 64. Interstitial Lung Disease Wallace T. Miller, Jr., and Drew A. Torigian, MD 65. Mediastinal Diseases Drew A. Torigian, MD, and Wallace T. Miller, Jr. 66. Pleural Diseases Drew A. Torigian, MD, and Wallace T. Miller, Jr. 67. Tubes, Lines, and Catheters Drew A. Torigian, MD XII. Ultrasonography 68. Obstetric Ultrasound: First-trimester Imaging Courtney Woodfield, MD, and Beverly G. Coleman, MD, FACR 69. Obstetric Ultrasound: Second-trimester Imaging Ross I. Silver, MD, and Beverly G. Coleman, MD, FACR 70. Vascular Ultrasound Denise S. White, DO, and Beverly G. Coleman, MD, FACR 71. Abdominal Ultrasound Keith A. Ferguson, MD, and Susan Hilton, MD XIII. Diagnostic Radiology as a Profession 72. Training Pathways in Diagnostic Imaging E. Scott Pretorius, MD 73. Medicolegal Issues in Diagnostic Imaging Saurabh Jha, MBBS 74. Radiology Organizations E. Scott Pretorius, MD


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