Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy,6/e
Kenneth L. Bontrager
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

This radiography text focuses on about 200 of the most commonly performed radiographic exams, featuring a clear, easy-to-follow organisation. It presents positioning and projection information in an easy-to-read, bulleted format on one side of the page spread, with corresponding positioning photos, radiographic images and anatomical drawings on the other side. Expert content covers pathology, geriatric and paediatric patient populations, survey information, and 100 new positioning photographs for the latest in radiographic positioning. The 6th edition contains a new chapter on digital imaging, and digital imaging information is incorporated where appropriate throughout the book. New photographs and redrawn illustrations create a consistent, visual appearance throughout the book.
Positioning chapters are organized with one projection per page, presenting all the information readers need to know about each projection – from technical factors, to patient positioning, to radiographic evaluation criteria.
Unique "show-and-tell" presentation shows positioning photos, radiographic images, and anatomical drawings side-by-side with the text explanation of the procedure to promote comprehension and retention of material.
One-of-a-kind anatomical line drawings accompany each radiograph to encourage understanding rather than rote memorization of positions, angles, and CR locations and help readers know how to adapt positioning routines as needed.
Critique Radiographs in each chapter demonstrate positioning errors.
Anatomical drawings and photographs are presented in full color.
Pathologic Indications in appropriate chapters list and define the pathologies most likely to be encountered during procedures covered in that chapter, helping readers produce radiographs that make diagnosis easy for the physician.
Pediatric Applications and Geriatric Applications in appropriate chapters prepare readers to address the special needs of varying patients, detailing general information on film or screen type, exposure factors, positioning and shielding, and more.
Alternative Modalities or Procedures list specific modalities or special procedures used in addition to the general radiographic exams presented, including conventional and computed tomography, sonography, nuclear medicine, and MRI.
Radiographic Criteria on positioning pages provide standards for evaluating the quality of each radiograph, designed to help readers develop a routine for evaluating radiographic quality.
Pathology Demonstrated boxes explain why a projection is needed or what pathologic conditions are demonstrated, providing students with a larger frame of reference, and therefore a greater understanding, of each projection.
What`s New

A new chapter on digital imaging discusses basic principles, applications, and image quality – digital imaging information essential for making appropriate positioning adjustments – to ensure readers are prepared to encounter new technology in clinical practice.
Content updates include a totally new section on surgical radiography, new sections in all chapters on digital imaging considerations, an expanded section on bone densitometry, and a new introduction to positron emission tomography (PET).
Updated and revised chapters cover angiography and interventional procedures, and computed tomography.
More than 150 new positioning photos, in addition to many updated images, complement the new material.

1. General Anatomy, Terminology and Positioning Principles 2. Image Quality, Digital Technology, and Radiation Protection 3. Chest 4. Abdomen 5. Upper Limb 6. Proximal Humerus and Shoulder Girdle 7. Lower Limb 8. Proximal Femur and Pelvic Girdle 9. Cervical and Thoracic Spine 10. Lumbar Spine, Sacrum and Coccyx 11. Bony Thorax — Sternum and Ribs 12. Skull and Cranial Bones 13. Facial Bones and Paranasal Sinuses 14. Upper Gastrointestinal System 15. Lower Gastrointestinal System 16. Gallbladder and Biliary Ducts 17. Urinary System 18. Mammography 19. Trauma, Mobile and Surgical Radiography 20. Pediatric Radiography 21. Angiography and Interventional Procedures 22. Computed Tomography 23. Additional Diagnostic Procedures 24. Additional Diagnostic & Therapeutic Modalities Bibliography Appendix A – Answer Key, Radiographs for Critique Index


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