Pulmonary Pathology:A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series
Churchill Livingstone
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
This volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series packs today's most essential pulmonary pathology into a compact, high-yield format! It covers both common and rare neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lung and pleura and focuses primarily on diagnosis with correlations to clinical and radiographic characteristics. Its pragmatic, well-organized approach, abundant full-color illustrations, and at-a-glance boxes and tables make the information you need easy to access. Practical and affordable, this resource is ideal for study and review as well as everyday clinical practice!

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Chapter 1

Normal Anatomy, Tissue Artifacts, and Incidental Structures, Douglas B. Flieder


Chapter 2

The Uses and Abuses of the Lung Biopsy, Anthony A. Gal


Chapter 3

A Pattern-Based Approach to Diagnosis, Diana N. Ionescu and Kevin O. Leslie


Chapter 4

Congenital, Developmental, and Inherited Disorders, Megan K. Dishop and Claire Langston


Chapter 5

Acquired Non-neoplastic Neonatal and Pediatric Disorders, Gail H. Deutsch


Chapter 6

Lung Neoplasms in Infants and Children, Michael H. Covinsky


Chapter 7

Vascular Diseases, Carlyne D. Cool


Chapter 8

Vasculitides and Other Causes of Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Andre L. Moreira and William D. Travis


Chapter 9

Acute Lung Injury, Mary Beth Beasley


Chapter 10

Bacterial Diseases, Carol F. Farver


Chapter 11

Mycobacterial Diseases, Jaishree Jagirdar


Chapter 12

Fungal Diseases, Abida K. Haque


Chapter 13

Viral Diseases, Sherif R. Zaki and Christopher D. Paddock


Chapter 14

Human Parasitic Pulmonary Infections, Gary W. Procop and Ronald C. Neafie


Chapter 15

Chlamydial, Mycoplasmal, Rickettsial, and Ehrlichial Diseases, David H. Walker


Chapter 16

Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias, Andras Khoor


Chapter 17

Other Interstitial Lung Diseases, Roberto Barrios


Chapter 18

Environmental and Toxin Induced Lung Diseases, Allen R. Gibbs and R.L Attanoos


Chapter 19

Drug Reactions and Other Iatrogenic Pulmonary Diseases, Ashley Allison and Dani S. Zander


Chapter 20

Emphysema and Diseases of Large Airways, Linda K. Green


Chapter 21

Diseases of Small Airways, Armando E. Fraire and Roberto J. Barrios


Chapter 22

Lymphoid Lesions of the Lung, Donald G. Guinee, Jr.


Chapter 23

Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Lesions of the Lung


Chapter 24

Transplantation Related Lung Pathology, Aliya N. Husain


Chapter 25

Other Non-Neoplastic Focal Lesions, Pseudotumors, Inclusions and Depositions, Carol F. Farver


Chapter 26

Usual Lung Cancers, Dongfeng Tan and Sadir J. Alrawi


Chapter 27

Neuroendocrine Neoplasms, Elisabeth Brambilla and Sylvie Lantuejoul


Chapter 28

Unusual Primary Malignant Lung Neoplasms, Bruno Murer, Ulrike Gruber-Mosenbacher, and Helmut H. Popper


Chapter 29

Pulmonary Involvement by Extrapulmonary Neoplasms, Marie Christine Aubry


Chapter 30

Pulmonary Processes of Indeterminate Malignant Potential, Anna Sienko


Chapter 31

Precursors of Malignancy, Keith M Kerr


Chapter 32

Benign Neoplasms of the Lungs, Douglas B. Flieder


Chapter 33

Primary Pleural Neoplasms, Thomas Sporn


Chapter 34

Pleural Involvement by Extrapleural Neoplasms, Kelly J. Butnor


Chapter 35

Inflammatory and Fibrosing Pleural Processes, Joanne L. Wright


Chapter 36

Pulmonary Manifestations of Systemic Diseases, Omar R. Chughtai and Dani S. Zander


Chapter 37

Respiratory Cytology, Jennifer Brainard


Chapter 38

Techniques and Applications to the Diagnosis of Lung Diseases: Immunohistochemistry, Dongfeng Tan and Dani S. Zander


Chapter 39

Techniques and Applications to the Diagnosis of Lung Diseases: Immunofluorescence, Cynthia M. Magro


Chapter 40

Laboratory Diagnosis of Lung Diseases: Immunologic Tests, Semyon A. Risin


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