Berne and Levy Principles of Physiology, 4e
Matthew N. Levy
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
Here`s a succinct, up-to-date summary of the physiological processes that take place in the human body, written in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. Derived from Berne et al.`s more lengthy text, Physiology, 5th Edition, it concisely and efficiently covers all of the most need-to-know concepts in the field. Updates include discussions of how the most recent findings in molecular biology and genetics affect our knowledge of physiology. A wealth of case examples, full-color artwork, review questions with answers, and boxes, tables, and graphs help readers to easily and thoroughly master the material.


Provides shaded "clinical boxes" to demonstrate abstract concepts` relevance to human physiological phenomena
Offers case examples that show how physiological processes respond to various stimuli or to pathological processes
Delivers hundreds of full-color illustrations that make complex physiological principles easy to grasp quickly
Includes abundant graphs, figures, and tables that display information at a glance
Presents review questions and answers that allow readers to evaluate their comprehension

What`s New

Incorporates a great deal of new information on how new discoveries in molecular biology and genetics affect our understanding of human physiology
Includes access to — with the full text of the book online, integration links to relevant material from other STUDENT CONSULT texts, online self-assessment activities, a community center, and other valuable features
I. Cell Physiology Howard C. Kutchai 1. Cellular Membranes and Transmembrane Transport of Solutes and Water 2. Ionic Equilibria and Resting Membrane Potentials 3. Generation and Conduction of Action Potentials 4. Synaptic Transmission 5. Membrane Receptors, Second Messengers, and Signal-Transduction Pathways II. Nervous System William D. Willis, Jr. 6. Cellular Organization 7. General Sensory System 8. Special Senses 9. Motor System 10. Autonomic Nervous System and Its Control 11. Higher Functions of the Nervous System III. Muscle James Watras 12. Skeletal Muscle 13. Cardiac Muscle 14. Smooth Muscle IV. Cardiovascular System Matthew N. Levy and Achilles Pappano 15. Overview of the Circulation, Blood, and Hemostasis 16. Electrical Activity of the Heart 17. Natural Excitation of the Heart 18. Cardiac Pump 19. Regulation of the Heartbeat 20. Hemodynamics 21. Arterial System 22. Microcirculation and Lymphatics 23. Peripheral Circulation and Its Control 24. Control of Cardiac Output. Coupling of the Heart and Blood Vessels 25. Special Circulations 26. Interplay of Central and Peripheral Factors in Control of the Circulation V. Respiratory System Michelle M. Cloutier and Roger S. Thrall 27. Overview of the Respiratory System 28. Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall 29. Ventilation, Perfusion, and Their Relationship 30. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport 31. Control of Respiration 32. Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung VI. Digestive System Howard C. Kutchai 33. Motility of the Gastrointestinal Tract 34. Gastrointestinal Secretions 35. Digestion and Absorption VII. Renal System Bruce M. Koeppen and Bruce A. Stanton 36. Elements of Renal Function 37. Solute and Water Transport Along the Nephron. Tubular Function 38. Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Extracellular Fluid Volume 39. Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphate Homeostasis 40. Role of the Kidneys in Acid-Base Balance VIII. Endocrine System Saul M. Genuth 41. General Principles of Endocrine Physiology 42. Whole-Body Metabolism 43. Hormones of the Pancreatic Islets 44. Endocrine Regulation of the Metabolism of Calcium and Phosphate 45. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 46. Thyroid Gland 47. Adrenal Cortex 48. Adrenal Medulla 49. Overview of Reproductive Function 50. Male Reproduction 51. Female Reproduction Answers to Case Studies Index


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