UNIT 1 Pulmonary System _ 1 SECTION 1 Airway Management_1 1 Combitube Insertion and Removal _ 1 2 Endotracheal Intubation(perform) _ 9 3 Endotracheal Intubation(Assist) _ 23 4 Endotracheal Tube and Oral care _ 32 5 Extubation/Decannulation(Perform) _ 39 6 Extubation/Decannulation(Assist) _ 44 7 Laryngeal Mask Airway _ 49 8 Nasopharyngeal Airway Insertion _ 62 9 Oropharyngeal Airway Insertion _ 67 10 Suctioning:Endotracheal or Tracheostomy Tube _ 73 11 Tracheal Tube Cuff Care _ 83 12 Tracheostomy Tube Care_ 93 SECTION 2 Special Pulmonary Procedures _ 103 13 Continuous End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring _ 103 14 Continuous Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring _ 111 15 Oxygen Saturation Monitoring by Pulse Oximetry _ 119 16 Pronation Therapy _ 127 SECTION 3 Thoracic Cavity Management _ 142 17 Autotransfusion _ 142 18 Chest Tube Placement(Perform) _ 147 19 Chest Tube Placement(Assist) _ 157 20 Chest Tube Removal(Perform) _ 164 21 Chest Tube Removal(Assist) _ 172 22 Closed Chest Drainage System _ 179 23 Needle Thoracostomy(Perform) _ 201 24 Thoracentesis(Perform) _ 206 25 Thoracentesis(Assist) _ 214 SECTION 4 Ventilatory Management _ 220 26 Arterial-Venous Oxygen Difference Calculation _ 220 27 Auto-PEEP Calculation _ 224 28 Compliance and Resistance Measurement _ 229 29 Manual Self-Inflating Resuscitation Bag _ 233 30 Indices of Oxygenation _ 242 31 Shunt Calculation _ 246 32 Ventilatory Management-Volume and Pressure Modes _ 251 33 Weaning Criteria-Negative Inspiratory Pressure, Positive End-Expiratory Pressure, Spontaneous Tidal Volume, and Vital Capacity Measurement _ 269 34 Weaning Procedure_ 275
UNIT 2 Cardiovascular System _ 290 SECTION 5 Cardiac Emergencies _ 290 35 Automated External Defibrillation _ 290 36 Cardioversion _ 298 37 Defibrillation(External) _ 310 38 Defibrillation(Internal) _ 319 39 Emergent Open Sternotomy(Perform) _ 325 40 Emergent Open Sternotomy(Assist) _ 331 41 Pericardiocentesis(Perform) _ 336 42 Pericardiocentesis(Assist) _ 344 SECTION 6 Cardiac Pacemakers _ 351 43 Atrial Electrogram _ 351 44 Atrial Overdrive Pacing (perform) _ 361 45 Epicardial Pacing Wire Removal _ 369 46 Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator _ 373 47 Permanent Pacemaker (Assessing Function) _ 385 48 Temporary Transcutaneous(External) Pacing _ 396 49 Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion(Perform) _ 404 50 Temporary Transvenous and Epicardial Pacing _ 413 SECTION 7 Circulatory Assist Devices _ 428 51 Intraaortic Balloon Pump Management _ 428 52 External Counterpressure with Pneumatic Antishock Garments _ 450 53 Ventricular Assist Devices _ 457 SECTION 8 Electrocardiographic Leads and Cardiac Monitoring _ 487 54 Electrophysiologic Monitoring:Hardwire and Telemetry _ 487 55 Extra Electrocardiographic Leads:Right Precordial and Left Posterior Leads _ 499 56 Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring _ 510 57 Twelve-Lead Electrocardiogram _ 520 SECTION 9 Hemodynamic Monitoring _ 529 58 Arterial Catheter Insertion (Perform) _ 529 59 Arterial Catheter Insertion(Assist), Care and Removal _ 536 60 Blood Sampling from an Arterial Catheter _ 552 61 Blood Sampling From Central Venous Catheters _ 560 62 Blood Sampling From a Pulmonary Artery Catheter _ 565 63 Cardiac Output Measurement Techniques(Invasive) _ 572 64 Central Venous Catheter Removal _ 590 65 Central Venous Catheter Site Care _ 595 66 Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring _ 599 67 Esophageal Doppler Monitoring of Aortic Blood Flow:Probe Insertion _ 608 68 Esophageal Doppler Monitoring of Aortic Blood Flow:Care and Removal _ 615 69 Left Atrial Catheter:Care and Assisting With Removal _ 621 70 Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring: Impedance Cardiography _ 629 71 Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion(Perform) _ 641 72 Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion(Assist) and Pressure Monitoring _ 650 73 Pulmonary Artery Cathter Removal _ 673 74 Pulmonary Artery Catheter and Pressure Lines, Troubleshooting _ 680 75 Single-and Multiple-Pressure Transducer Systems _ 697 SECTION 10 Special Cardiac Procedures _ 710 76 Arterial and Venous Sheath Removal _ 710 77 Pericardial Catheter Management _ 718 78 Transesophageal Echocardiography(Assist) _ 731 SECTION 11 Vascular Access _ 740 79 Arterial Puncture _ 740 80 Central Venous Catheter Insertion(perform) _ 749 81 Central Venous Catheter Insertion(Assist) _ 764 82 Implantable Venous Access Device:Access, Deaccess, and Care _ 775 83 Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion _ 786 84 Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter _ 798 85 Venipuncture _ 811
UNIT 3 Neurologic System _ 821 SECTION 12 Neurologic Monitoring _ 821 86 Bispectral Index Monitoring _ 821 87 Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring : Insertion(Assist), Care, and Troubleshooting _ 836 88 Intracranial Bolt insertion(Assist), Monitoring, Care, Troubleshooting, and Removal _ 846 89 Intraventricular Catheter Insertion(Assist), Monitoring, Care, Troubleshooting and Removal _ 858 90 Jugular Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring:Insertion(Assist), Care, Troubleshooting, and Removal _ 868 91 Lumbar Subarachnoid Catheter Insertion(Assist) for Cerebral Spinal Fluid Pressure Monitoring and Drainage _ 879 92 Neurologic Drainage and Pressure Monitoring System _ 888 93 Transcranial Doppler Monitoring _ 903 SECTION 13 Special Neurologic Procedures _ 916 94 Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage Assessment _ 916 95 External Warming/Cooling Devices _ 920 96 Ice-water Caloric Testing for Vestibular Function(assist) _ 929 97 Lumbar Puncture (perform) _ 934 98 Lumbar and Cisternal Punctures (Assist) _ 942 SECTION 14 Traction Management _ 949 99 External Fixation Device Insertion(Assist) _ 949 100 Halo Traction Care _ 955 101 Tong and Halo Pin Site care _ 963 102 Traction Maintenance _ 967 SECTION 15 Pain Management _ 974 103 Epidural Catheters :Assisting With Insertion and Pain Management _ 974 104 Peripheral Nerve Stimulators _ 986 105 Patient-Controlled Analgesia _ 996 106 Peripheral Nerve Blocks (Assist) _ 1004
UNIT 4 Gastrointestinal System _ 1015 SECTION 16 Special Gastrointestinal Procedures _ 1015 107 Esophagogastric Tamponade Tube _ 1015 108 Gastric Lavage in Hemorrhage and Overdose _ 1025 109 Monitoring Gastrointestinal Perfusion With a Gastric Tonometer _ 1034 110 Intraabdominal Pressure Monitoring _ 1049 111 Nasogastric Tube Insertion, Care, and Removal _ 1057 112 Paracentesis (Perform) _ 1067 113 Paracentesis (Assist) _ 1075 114 Peritoneal Lavage (Perform) _ 1081 115 Peritoneal Lavage (Assist) _ 1090 116 Scleral Endoscopic Therapy _ 1098
UNIT 5 Renal System _ 1105 SECTION 17 Renal Replacement _ 1105 117 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies _ 1105 118 Hemodialysis _ 1133 119 Peritoneal Dialysis _ 1151 SECTION 18 Special Renal Procedures _ 1162 120 Apheresis, Plasmapheresis , and Plasma Exchange (Assist) _ 1162
UNIT 6 Hematologic System _ 1171 SECTION 19 Fluid Management _ 1171 121 Blood and Blood Component Administration _ 1171 122 Blood Pump Use _ 1183 123 Continuous Arteriovenous Rewarming _ 1187 124 Massive infusion devices _ 1199 125 Transfusion Reaction Management _ 1211 SECTION 20 Special Hematologic Procedures _ 1218 126 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration(Perform) _ 1218 127 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration(Assist) _ 1225 128 Determination of Microhematocrit via Centrifuge _ 1231
UNIT 7 Integumentary System _ 1237 SECTION 21 Burn Wound Management _ 1237 129 Donor Site Care _ 1237 130 Burn Wound Care _ 1245 131 Skin Graft Care _ 1260 SECTION 22 Special Integumentary Procedures _ 1270 132 Intracompartmental Pressure Monitoring _ 1270 133 Pressure-Reducing Devices:Lateral Rotation Therapy _ 1281 134 wound closure _ 1289 135 Suture Removal _ 1302 SECTION 23 Wound Management _ 1308 136 Cleaning , Irrigating , Culturing , and Dressing an Open Wound _ 1308 137 Debridement :Pressure Ulcers, Burns, and Wounds _ 1319 138 Dressing Wounds With Drains _ 1327 139 Drain Removal _ 1333 140 Pouching a Wound _ 1337 141 Vacuum-Assisted ClosureTM (V.A.C.)£ó System for Wounds _ 1342
UNIT 8 Nutrition _ 1358 142 Enteral Nutrition _ 1358 143 Parenteral Nutrition _ 1368 144 Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy( PEG ), Gastrostomy, or jejunostomy Tube Care _ 1377 145 Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion and Care _ 1382
UNIT 9 End of Life _ 1387 146 Advance Directives _ 1387 147 Determination of Death _ 1394 148 Care of the Organ Donor _ 1404 149 Identification of Potential Organ Donors _ 1409 150 Request for Organ Donation _ 1414 151 Non-Heart-Beating Organ Donation (Donation After Cardiac Death) _ 1419 152 Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Therapy _ 1426
UNIT 10 Calculating Medication Doses _ 1433 153 Calculating Doses, Flow Rates, and Administration Of Continuous Intravenous Infusions _ 1433
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