Concise, thorough, and easy to use, Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension 7th Edition, provides authoritative guidance on diagnosing and treating patients with a wide range of kidney disorders and hypertension, including coverage of dialysis and transplantation. Lead editor Dr. Christopher Wilcox and his team of section editors Drs. Michael Choi, Limeng Chen, Winfred N. Williams, and Mark S. Segal oversee a group of expert authors, both faculty and fellows, who focus on common problems and challenges in this complex field. Brief, focused chapters contain abundant figures and algorithms and have been updated to reflect new findings in renal cystic diseases, new drugs used for hypertension, transplantation and renal protection, and much more.
Includes new chapters on Urinalysis and Hematuria, Hypertensive Nephropathy, Drug Use in Kidney Disease, Resistant and Secondary Forms of Hypertension, and Medical Reimbursement and Economics of Nephrology Practice
Contains dedicated chapters on drugs for edema, hypertension, and glomerulonephritis, as well as drugs pertaining to renal transplant, covering how to select and use drugs, doses, and adverse effects, and how prescribing should be altered in patients with renal insufficiency
Features a new four-color design and more figures and algorithms throughout
Shares the experience and knowledge of distinguished international authors from top universities in both the U.S. and China, with many chapters co-authored by a faculty and a fellow
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