Queenan`s Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach, 7/e
Catherine Y. Spong
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496 Pages
7 Edition
3,000원 (3만원 이상 구매 시, 무료배송)
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Queenan`s Management of High-Risk Pregnancy

The new edition of the long-standing classic text, covering all areas of perinatal medicine

Continuing to set the standard for maternal-fetal practice, the seventh edition of Queenan`s Management of High-Risk Pregnancy provides practical, clinically useful information on the full spectrum of perinatal care. Focused on clinical decision-making, this invaluable reference contains authoritative, evidence-based information on the factors of high-risk pregnancy, biochemical and biophysical monitoring, maternal disease, obstetric complications, patient safety in labor and delivery, and more.

With more than 50 concise chapters, this text has been written by leading experts, and contains evidence-based protocols, algorithms, case studies, potential outcome measures, medications, and illustrative case reports to ensure the best possible outcomes for fetal and maternal patients. This text offers clear guidance on the common problems encountered in the day-to-day management of high-risk pregnancies.

The seventh edition of Queenan`s Management of High-Risk Pregnancy includes new and updated chapters with the most current evidence-based information and protocols available on topics such as infectious diseases in pregnancy, vaping, operative vaginal delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancies in women with disabilities, maternal anemia, malaria, and HIV infection.

Queenan`s Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach, Seventh Edition, remains an indispensable reference and guide for obstetricians, gynecologists, OB/GYN trainees, midwives, and primary and general practitioners.

List of Contributors vii

Foreword xii

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xiv

Part 1 Factors of High-Risk Pregnancy

1 Overview of High-Risk Pregnancy 1
Catherine Y. Spong and Charles J. Lockwood

2 Nutrition in Pregnancy 2
Cara D. Dolin and Michelle A. Kominiarek

3 Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder 17
Anthony M. Kendle and Sarah G. Obicǎn

4 Environmental Agents and Reproductive Risk 33
Laura Goetzl and Sami Backley

Part 2 Genetics

5 Genetic Screening for Mendelian Disorders 44
Deborah A. Driscoll and Lorraine Dugoff

6 Screening for Congenital Heart Disease 50
Lynn L. Simpson

7 First- and Second-Trimester Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy and Neural Tube Defects 60
Ronan Daly and Fergal D. Malone

Part 3 Fetal Assessment

8 Sonographic Dating and Standard Fetal Biometry 70
Anna Hayes Nutter and Alfred Abuhamad

9 Antepartum Fetal Monitoring 83
Michael Nageotte

10 Interpreting Intrapartum Fetal Heart Tracings 88
Lorie M. Harper and Alison G. Cahill

Part 4 Maternal Disease

11 Sickle Cell Anemia 93
Scott Roberts

12 Anemia 99
Elaine L. Duryea and Rachel C. Schell

13 Thrombocytopenia 105
Ann M. Bruno and Robert M. Silver

14 Inherited and Acquired Thrombophilias 114
Pouya Abhari and Michael J. Paidas

15 Thromboembolic Disorders 123
Audrey A. Merriam and Christian M. Pettker

16 Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy 134
Sarah Rae Easter

17 Renal Disease 142
Shivani Patel

18 Pregnancy in Transplant Patients 148
Lisa A. Coscia Serban Constantinescu and Michael J. Moritz

19 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 156
Angela R. Boyd and Deborah L. Conway

20 Diabetes Mellitus 161
George R. Saade

21 Thyroid Disorders 165
Elizabeth O. Buschur and Stephen F. Thung

22 Asthma 170
Jennifer Namazy and Michael Schatz

23 Epilepsy 182
Regan J. Lemley and P. Emanuela Voinescu

24 Chronic Hypertension 191
Christina L. Herrera

25 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 197
Michael Richley and Christina S. Han

26 Perinatal Infections 206
Michelle E. Whittum and Stephanie T. Ros

27 Malaria 218
Richard M.K. Adanu

28 Hepatitis in Pregnancy 221
Asa Oxner Andrew Myers and Sarah G. Obicǎn

29 HIV Infection 229
Emily H. Adhikari

30 Pregnancy in Women with Disabilities 237
Caroline Signore

31 COVID-19 in Pregnancy 253
Carolynn M. Dude, Martina L. Badell and Denise J. Jamieson

Part 5 Obstetric Complications

32 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 262
Claudio V. Schenone and Stephanie T. Ros

33 Cervical Insufficiency 272
Rachel Sinkey and John Owen

34 Gestational Hypertension, Preeclampsia, and Eclampsia 281
Michal Fishel Bartal and Baha M. Sibai

35 Postpartum Hemorrhage 288
David B. Nelson

36 Emergency Care 300
Sarah Rae Easter

37 Rh and Other Blood Group Alloimmunizations 312
Kenneth J. Moise Jr.

38 Multiple Gestations 319
Maria Andrikopoulou and Mary E. D’Alton

39 Polyhydramnios and Oligohydramnios 332
Ron Beloosesky and Michael G. Ross

40 Pathogenesis and Prediction of Preterm Delivery 344
Anthony M. Kendle, Catalin S. Buhimschi, and Charles J. Lockwood

41 Preterm (Prelabor) Premature Rupture of Membranes 361
Brian M. Mercer and Kelly S. Gibson

42 Management of Preterm Labor 372
Georgios Doulaveris and Vincenzo Berghella

43 Placenta Previa and Related Disorders 381
Yinka Oyelese

44 Fetal Growth Restriction 392
Katherine H. Bligard and Anthony O. Odibo

Part 6 Complications of Labor and Delivery

45 Induction of Labor 399
Emily H. Adhikari

46 Cesarean Delivery 406
Elaine L. Duryea

47 Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Delivery 415
Mark B. Landon

48 Breech Delivery 425
G.J. Hofmeyr and M.N. Nassali

49 Operative Vaginal Delivery 432
Edward R. Yeomans and Ann Erickstad

50 Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia 437
Gilbert J. Grant

51 Quality and Patient Safety 443
Christian M. Pettker

Part 7 Procedures

52 Genetic Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus Sampling, Intrauterine Transfusion, and Shunts 450
Ann McHugh and Russell S. Miller

53 Fetal Surgery 465
Marisa Eve Schwab and Hanmin Lee

Index 474


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