Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Claudio Donner, Nicolino Ambro
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Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are now a fundamental part of the clinical management of patients with chronic respiratory diseases. This comprehensive reference book places pulmonary rehabilitation within the wider framework of respiratory disease, and the health burden that this now poses worldwide.

Part one of the book examines the evidence supporting the use of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes, new trends and socio-economic implications, and the scientific bases of techniques used. In part two, the reader is given important guidance on assessing patients for rehabilitation and what the cost implications are for patients and the health care system. The last part of the book provides a general overview and discusses specific problems of delivering pulmonary rehabilitation. Throughout the book, contributions drawn from a broad range of countries compare and contrast practice around the world where differences have developed, and discuss the clinical evidence that supports current thinking.

Puts the basic science that underpins the rationale of pulmonary rehabilitation therapies in context for the health care professional

Discusses in detail the assessment of the patient with chronic lung disease for a pulmonary rehabilitation program

Provides helpful advice on setting up and running a pulmonary rehabilitation service, including the ethical and legal issues involved

Examines pulmonary rehabilitation in a wide range of settings, from the intensive care unit through post-intensive/high dependency care to the outpatient clinic and the home

Evidence-based and international in approach

Well designed text incorporating chapter summaries, boxes, illustrations and tables for improved accessibility

Places pulmonary rehabilitation within the wider framework of respiratory disease, and the health burden that this now poses world-wide
Chapter 1. Definition and rationale for pulmonary rehabilitation Chapter 2. International trends in the epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chapter 3. Pathophysiological basis of pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chapter 4. The influence of tobacco smoking on lung disease Chapter 5. Genetics of airflow limitation Chapter 6. Using the rehabilitation literature to guide patient care: a critical appraisal of trial evidence PART II. OUTCOME MEASUREMENT Chapter 7. Lung function and respiratory mechanics assessment Chapter 8. Respiratory muscle assessment in pulmonary rehabilitation Chapter 9. Role of peripheral muscle function in rehabilitation Chapter 10. Assessment of respiratory function during sleep in chronic lung disease Chapter 11. Cardiopulmonary interaction during sleep Chapter 12. Pathophysiology of exercise and exercise assessment Chapter 13. Physiological basis of dyspnoea Chapter 14. Measurement of dyspnoea Chapter 15. Impact of quality of life issues in chronic lung disease Chapter 16. Evaluation of impairment and disability and outcome measures for pulmonary rehabilitation Chapter 17. The economics of rehabilitation and self-management education for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease PART III. DELIVERING PULMONARY REHABILITATION - GENERAL ASPECTS Chapter 18. Establishing a pulmonary rehabilitation program Chapter 19. Respiratory physiotherapy Chapter 20. Exercise in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chapter 21. The role of collaborative self-management education in pulmonary rehabilitation Chapter 23. Nutrition and metabolic therapy Chapter 24. Pharmacological management in chronic respiratory diseases PART IV: DELIVERING PULMONARY REHABILITATION - SPECIFIC PROBLEMS Chapter 25. Rehabilitation in asthma Chapter 26. Guidelines for rehabilitation in the management of COPD Chapter 27. Rehabilitation in thoracic wall deformities Chapter 28. Physical medicine interventions and rehabilitation of patients with neuromuscular disease Chapter 29. Rehabilitation of cystic fibrosis Chapter 30. Rehabilitation and lung volume reduction surgery Chapter 31. Pulmonary rehabilitation and transplantation Chapter 32. Long-term oxygen therapy Chapter 33. Pulmonary rehabilitation in the intensive care unit and transition from ICU to home Chapter 34. Chronic ventilatory assistance in the hospital Chapter 35. Ventilatory assistance at home Chapter 36. The challenge of self-management Chapter 37. Exacerbations in chronic lung disease and rehabilitation Chapter 38. Compliance after chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rehabilitation Chapter 39. Ethical/regulatory issues concerning long-term mechanical ventilation Chapter 40. End-of-life issues


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