Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery
Jee Eun Lee
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820 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

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부정맥 해석 판독의 기술 2판 Tomas B. Garcia, MD, Daniel J. Garcia 70,000 66,500won
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|간단 책 소개|

As the title suggests, Visualizing MSK Radiology aims to help readers easily understand and grasp the complexities of knee MRI by adding color to the images. Moving beyond the traditional method of explanation that relied solely on arrows, this book consistently uses a variety of colors to illustrate MRI anatomy, enriched with numerous cases. With 525 pages dedicated exclusively to image interpretation, this book is an invaluable resource for everyone, from beginners with little knowledge of anatomy to experienced professionals in this field.

Furthermore, this book adopts a distinctive approach that differentiates it from traditional medical textbooks. By utilizing tables to summarize both broad concepts and specific details concisely, it provides practical guidance for navigating and understanding the complexities of knee musculoskeletal radiology.

The many cases featured in this book are the product of my esteemed orthopedic colleagues` dedicated practice and surgical expertise. I am deeply grateful to talented and compassionate fellow physicians who made this book possible. In particular, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Jae-Hoon Jeong, MD, Jong-Min Kim, MD, Hak-Soo Kim, MD, Jin-Chul Oh, MD, Jin-Young Jang, MD, and Young-Sik Jeon, MD.

I have engaged with healthcare professionals worldwide through YouTube ( and Instagram ( The messages of gratitude from people I have never met have brought me a profound sense of joy and fulfillment that I had not previously experienced. These messages have been a driving force behind my decision to write this book.

Finally, I would like to thank Koonja Publishing Company for their invaluable support sincerely.

I hope to continue publishing books in the Visualizing MSK Radiology series, and I kindly ask for your warm interest, encouragement, and valuable feedback.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

|저자 소개| 

Jee Eun Lee, MD, is a musculoskeletal radiologist and the author of the Korean-language book Build Confidence in MSK MRI, Ankle and Foot. 

She shares her expertise and insights through her YouTube channel ( and Instagram (, engaging with a global audience and providing valuable educational content on musculoskeletal imaging.

|책 소개|

Visualizing MSK Radiology: KNEE — A New Approach to Knee MRI Interpretation

"Visualizing MSK Radiology: KNEE," authored by Jee Eun Lee, MD, offers an innovative and comprehensive guide to understanding knee MRI. Spanning 827 pages, with 525 pages dedicated to detailed image interpretation, this book utilizes vibrant full-color illustrations to make complex anatomy accessible and easy to grasp.

Departing from the traditional use of monochrome images and simple arrows, this book enhances learning by applying color coding to MRI images, clearly differentiating anatomical structures and pathological findings. Packed with numerous cases, it is a valuable resource for newcomers and seasoned musculoskeletal radiology professionals.

The book also features concise tables that summarize key concepts and details, providing quick reference points for clinical practice. This unique approach and its clear and engaging writing style make "Visualizing MSK Radiology: KNEE" an essential addition to any medical library. Elevate your understanding of knee MRI with this groundbreaking guide — a must-have for radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, and trainees alike.

• Features over 500 pages filled with meticulously colored MRI images to clarify normal and abnormal knee anatomy, enhancing understanding through vivid, high-quality illustrations.

• Covers the full spectrum of knee conditions, including normal meniscus anatomy, classifications of meniscal tears, ACL and PCL injuries, patellofemoral instability, cartilage injury and repair, and much more. Each chapter provides in-depth exploration, from initial diagnosis to post-operative evaluation, with numerous case studies highlighting common pitfalls and challenges.

• Offers specialized sections on overuse injuries, cartilage imaging post-repair, and knee arthroplasty, making it an indispensable resource for both acute trauma and chronic conditions.

• Includes concise tables and summaries to facilitate quick reference and detailed figure legends that provide essential clinical insights. 

Designed for radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, and trainees, this book is the definitive guide to mastering knee musculoskeletal radiology

CH 01. Meniscus

A. Normal Meniscus Anatomy

B. Classification of Meniscal Tears

C. Other Meniscal Abnormalities

D. Pitfalls in Diagnosing Meniscal Tears

E. Post-operative Meniscus Evaluation

CH 02. Cruciate Ligaments

A. Anatomy of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament

B. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

C. Surgical Management of ACL Injuries

D. Complications of ACL Reconstruction

E. Imaging of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament

CH 03. Collateral Ligaments

A. Medial and Posteromedial Knee

B. Lateral and Posterolateral Knee

CH 04. Anterior Knee Pain and Impingement

A. Patellofemoral Instability and Maltracking

B. Overuse Injuries and Acute Trauma of the Extensor Mechanism

C. Fat Pads and Plicae Pathologies

D. Bursae, Cysts, and Cyst-like Lesions

CH 05. Chondral and Osteochondral Imaging, and Miscellaneous Lesions

A. Anatomy and Cartilage Injuries

B. Subchondral Nonneoplastic Bone Lesions

C. Cartilage Imaging After Repair

D. Knee Arthroplasty

E. Common Miscellaneous Disorders


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