With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery,Operative Techniques in Foregut Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Aurora D. Pryor, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.
Provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance on surgery of the esophagus and diaphragm, as well as treatment of paraesophageal hernias, gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal cancer, and esophageal perforation
Covers open as well as laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures in esophageal and foregut surgery, including relevant content on trauma
Features new videos, personally selected by contributing authors and editors, that accompany numerous chapters throughout the book
Contains extensive updates throughout, including new coverage of the American Board of Surgery’s SCORE Curricula for General Surgery and for Complex General Surgical Oncology
Follows the same format for each procedure: differential diagnosis, patient history and physical findings, imaging and other diagnostic studies, surgical management, techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications
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