Asian Rhinoplasty
Man Koon Suh, M.D.
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의학 > 외과 > 성형외과
357 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

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Many authors have published text on rhinoplasty of Caucasians but there have been limited publishments dedicated to the Asian nose alone.
The structure of the nose for Asians is fundamentally different from that of Caucasians. Thus, the principle of surgery and surgical materials are significantly different. As a surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty in Asia, it has been my dream and goal to publish a book for Asian rhinoplasty.
The level of plastic surgery in Korea, especially rhinoplasty, is very high and many surgeons from various parts of Asia visit Korea to learn Korean rhinoplasty techniques. While educating these surgeons, I have felt the need to publish a text focusing on Asian rhinoplasty.
I hope that this book may be of help for those who are interested in Asian rhinoplasty.
I thank Dr. Seung Jong Lee and Dr. Yong Seok Hwang for their participation in publishing this book and Dr. Han Jo Kim for English translation. I also thank the editors, designer and illustrator.

I dedicate this book to my loving wife and proud son.

Man Koon Suh, M.D.
Director of JW Plastic Surgery Center, Seoul, Korea
Scientific director of Korean Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons


Chapter 01 Basic Anatomy of the Nose Required for Rhinoplasty / 001
I. Basic nose anatomy for rhinoplasty / 003
II. Surgical equipments used in rhinoplasty : medical tools, sutures / 019
III. Harvest of autogenous cartilages : auricular cartilage, septal cartilage, rib cartilage / 024
IV. Harvest of autogenous soft tissue : dermofat, temporal fascia / 042
V. Rhinoplasty approach techniques (incision types) / 047

Chapter 02 Preoperative Procedures for Rhinoplasty / 055
I. Initial patient consultation and examination / 057
II. Clinical photography / 059
III. Preoperative instructions / 068
IV. Preoperative sterilization / 069
V. Postoperative dressing / 070

Chapter 03 Dorsal Augmentation with Implants / 071
I. Introduction and background / 073
II. Implant types and characteristics / 074
III. Several controversial issues concering nasal implants / 082
IV. Indication of each implant / 091
V. Tips on sculpting and use / 092

Chapter 04 Implant-related Complications & Their Solutions / 103
I. Deformity due to capsule-scar contracture / 105
II. Late spontaneous hematoma / 109
III. Calcification / 110
IV. Color change of dorsal skin / 111
V. Visible implant contour or thinned skin / 115
VI. Implant exposure /116
VII. Implant mobility and deviation / 119
VIII. Infection / 121
IX. Foreign body reaction / 123
X. Implants with visible signs of operation / 123

Chapter 05 Dorsal Augmentation with Autogenous Tissue / 129
I. Dorsal augmentation with temporal fascia /131
II. Dorsal augmentation with dermofat graft / 133
III. Dorsal augmentation with rib cartilage / 136
IV. Dorsal augmentation with diced cartilage wrapped with temporal fascia / 138

Chapter 06 Asian Tip Plasty / 141
I. Basics of nasal tip plasty 1: Tip suture technique / 149
II. The basic of nasal tip plasty 2: Cartilage graft / 170
III. Application of nasal tip plasty 1: Projection / 191
IV. Application of nasal tip plasty 2 : Correction for a blunt nasal tip and long nose / 197
V. Advanced techniqies of the nasal tip plasty : Short nose correction / 210
VI. The causes and solutions for unsatisfactory nasal tip plasty among Asians / 217

Chapter 07 Basics of Osteotomy / 237
I. Hump reduction / 240
II. Medial osteotomy / 243
III. Lateral osteotomy / 245
IV. Cautions in performing osteotomies / 253
V. Postoperative dressing / 254

Chapter 08 Correction of Hump Nose and Wide Nasal Bone / 255
I. Hump nose correction / 257
II. Correction of wide nasal bone / 272

Chapter 09 Correction of Deviated Nose / 275
I. Causes of deviated nose / 278
II. Type of deviated nose / 278
III. Preoperative analysis / 279
IV. Surgical method / 280

Chapter 10 Contracted Short Nose Correction / 305
I. What is a contractured nose?/ 307
II. Causes of contracture / 309
III. Correction of a contractured short nose / 309

Chapter 11 Miscellaneous Rhinoplasties / 333
I. Reduction of nostril and ala width / 335
II. Retracted ala correction / 340
III. Correction of columella / 346


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