Workbook for Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography, 2-Volume Set 9/e
Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert, MS, RDMS, RDCS, FASE, FSDMS
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1792 Pages
9 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Master sonographic examination protocols and techniques! The market-leading ultrasound text and reference, Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography, 9th Edition provides an in-depth understanding of general/abdominal and obstetric/gynecologic sonography. More than 3,100 ultrasound images and full-color anatomy illustrations help you recognize normal anatomy and abnormal pathology. Organized primarily by body system, coverage includes vascular sonography and echocardiography, and in the obstetrics section features a chronologic, trimester approach to ultrasound during pregnancy. Written by expert medical sonography educator and clinician Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert, this resource serves as ideal preparation for board exams and as a reference for practitioners in many different clinical settings.

    • Comprehensive coverage includes sections on the foundations of ultrasound imaging and patient care, the abdomen, superficial structures of the body, pediatrics, the thoracic cavity and echocardiography, cerebrovascular evaluation, gynecology, and obstetrics.
    • More than 3,100 images and full-color illustrations include high-resolution ultrasound pictures, detailed line drawings with need-to-know anatomic information, color photographs of gross pathology, and color Doppler illustrations.
    • Key Terms open each chapter, focusing your attention on the vocabulary that you are required to know and understand.
      • Key Pearls highlight the important concepts in each chapter.
        • Pathology tables summarize clinical findings, laboratory findings, sonographic findings, and differential considerations.
        • Sonographic Findings icon makes it easy to locate clinical information on particular pathologic conditions.
        • Imaging information in each chapter includes normal anatomy, normal physiology, laboratory data and values, pathology, sonographic evaluation of an organ, pitfalls in sonography, clinical findings, and differential considerations.
        • Condensed bibliography at the end of each chapter lists essential references for further research and study.
        • Resources on the Evolve website include review questions for students and PowerPoint® slides, an image collection, and a test bank with 1,625 questions for instructors.
          • NEW! Updated images depict the latest advances in the field of sonography and help you prepare for ARDMS boards and for clinicals.
          • NEW! Updated content reflects the newest curriculum standards so you gain the knowledge and expertise required to pass the boards.

      VOLUME ONE Part I: Foundations of Sonography 1. Foundations of Clinical Sonography 2. Essentials of Patient Care for the Sonographer 3. Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Issues in Sonography 4. Introduction to Anatomical Relationships in the Abdominal-Pelvic Cavity 5. Comparative Sectional Anatomy of the Abdominal-Pelvic Cavity 6. Basic Ultrasound:  Scanning Techniques, Terminology & Tips 7. Artifacts in General Ultrasound Images PART II: Abdomen 8. Vascular System 9. Liver 10. Gallbladder and the Biliary System 11. Spleen 12. Pancreas 13. Gastrointestinal Tract 14. Peritoneal Cavity and Abdominal Wall 15. Urinary System 16. Retroperitoneum 17. Ultrasound Contrast Agents in the Abdomen 18. Ultrasound-Guided Interventional Techniques 19. Emergent Ultrasound Procedures 20. Sonographic Techniques in the Transplant Patient PART III: Superficial Structures 21. The Breast 22. The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 23. The Scrotum 24. The Musculoskeletal System PART IV: Pediatrics 25. Neonatal & Pediatric Abdomen 26. Neonatal and Pediatric Adrenal & Urinary System 27. Neonatal & Infant Head 28. Infant & Pediatric Hip 29. Neonatal & Infant Spine
      VOLUME TWO PART V: The Thoracic Cavity 30. Anatomic and Physiologic Relationships within the Thoracic Cavity 31. Hemodynamics for the Sonographer 32. Introduction to Echocardiographic Techniques, Terminology & Tips 33. Clinical Applications of Echocardiography: 34. Clinical Applications of Echocardiography 35. Fetal Echocardiography: Beyond the Four Chambers 36. Fetal Echocardiography: Congenital Heart Disease Part VI: Cerebrovascular 37. Extracranial Cerebrovascular Evaluation 38. Intracranial Cerebrovascular Evaluation 39. Peripheral Arterial Evaluation 40. Peripheral Venous Evaluation PART VII: Gynecology 41. Normal Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Pelvis 42. Sonographic Evaluation of the Female Pelvis 43. Pathology of the Uterus 44. Pathology of the Ovaries 45. Pathology of the Adnexa 46. The Role of Sonography in Female Infertility PART VIII: Obstetrics 47. The Role of Sonography in Obstetrics 48. Clinical Ethics for Obstetric Sonography 49. The Normal First Trimester 50. First-Trimester Complications 51. Sonography of the Second and Third Trimesters 52. Obstetric Measurements and Gestational Age 53. Fetal Growth Assessment by Sonography 54. Sonography and High-Risk Pregnancy 55. Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Abnormalities 56. The Placenta 57. The Umbilical Cord 58. Amniotic Fluid, Fetal Membranes, and Fetal Hydrops 59. The Fetal Face and Neck 60. The Fetal Neural Axis 61. The Fetal Thorax 62. The Fetal Anterior Abdominal Wall 63. The Fetal Abdomen 64. The Fetal Urogenital System 65. The Fetal Skeleton


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