Maternal Cardiac Care
John H. Wilson, M.D., F.A.C.C., F. H. R.S.
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430 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Heart disease is currently the leading cause of maternal mortality in developed countries and is expected to increase further due to advanced maternal age and conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Maternal Cardiac Care: A Guide to Managing Pregnant Women with Heart Disease is an up-to-date, multidisciplinary resource for physicians and advanced practice nurses caring for pregnant patients with a variety of preexisting and emerging cardiac issues. 

Key Features
  • Offers comprehensive information on caring for women with heart disease, in an easy-to-follow, quick-access format. 

  • Shares knowledge from a multidisciplinary group of experts who are well versed in the team approach needed to treat this high-risk patient population. 

  • Includes extensive references for readers who want to delve more deeply into specific subjects. 

  • Ideal for obstetricians, internists, cardiologists, critical care specialists, and advanced practice nurses involved in caring for pregnant patients, as well as institutions and departments that need detailed guidance on establishing a maternal cardiac care program. 

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

UNIT I Normal Pregnancy
1 Physiologic Adaptations to Pregnancy
2 The Cardiac Physical Examination in Pregnancy
3 Obstetric Care for Nonobstetricians
UNIT II Pregnancy in Women With Heart Disease
4 Prepregnancy Counseling
5 Cardiac Conditions That May Affect Pregnancy
6 Obstetric Events That Affect Cardiac Patients
7 Managing Specific Cardiac Conditions During Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery
UNIT III Specific Cardiac Conditions Encountered in Pregnant Women
8 Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
9 Endocarditis in Pregnancy
10 Arrhythmias During Pregnancy
11 Fetal Tachycardia
UNIT IV Pharmacology
12 An Overview: Pharmacology During Pregnancy
13 The Use of Cardiac Drugs During Pregnancy
14 Anticoagulation During Pregnancy
15 Cardiac Effects of Drugs Commonly Used in Obstetrics
UNIT V Anesthesia
16 Cardiac Effects of Anesthetic Agents That May Be Used in Labor and Delivery
17 Anesthesia for Cardiac Patients During Labor And Delivery
18 Anesthesia for Nonobstetric Procedures During Pregnancy
UNIT VI Evaluation and Intervention for Cardiac Conditions During Pregnancy
19 Cardiac Testing During Pregnancy
20 Cardiac Intervention During Pregnancy
21 Cardiac Surgery During Pregnancy
22 Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy
UNIT VII The Management Team and the Management Plan
23 The Maternal Cardiac Care Team and the Maternal Cardiac Care Facility
24 Assessment of Maternal Risk and Assessment of Fetal Risk
25 The Patient Management Plan
26 Nursing Considerations
UNIT VIII Miscellaneous
27 Pregnancy After Heart Transplant
28 COVID-19 in Pregnant Patients
29 Breastfeeding
30 Contraception
31 Termination of Pregnancy
32 Infertility Treatment
33 Genetic Counseling
34 Substance Abuse in Pregnancy
35 The Placenta
Appendix: Normal Lab Values in Pregnancy


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