Creasy and Resnik`s Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practice (The Creasy & Resnik`s Maternal 베스트 해외주문가능
Charles J. Lockwood MD MHCM Senior, Thomas Moore MD, Joshua Copel MD & 4 more
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The definitive reference in the field for more than 35 years, Creasy and Resnik`s Maternal-Fetal Medicine provides today’s MFM practitioners with authoritative, comprehensive guidance on every aspect of this fast-changing field. The fully revised 9th Edition brings you up to date with the latest evidence-based guidelines and research as well as the fundamental scientific foundation needed for effective practice, helping you minimize complications and ensure the best possible outcomes for your patients. Renowned experts in obstetrics, gynecology, and perinatology provide valuable information in every area of complex obstetric care, highlighting the most commonly encountered anomalies and providing clear guidelines for obstetric and neonatal management.

  • Offers comprehensive updates on rapidly changing topics, including extensively revised genetic content throughout. 

  • Includes two new chapters: maternal and fetal viral infections, including COVID-19; and sexually transmitted disease, covering the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of individual infectious diseases that may complicate pregnancy. 

  • Contains user-friendly features such as numerous diagnostic and treatment algorithms for quick access to current protocols; key points at the end of each chapter; and counseling pearls with practical guidance on patient consultation. 

  • Features a comprehensive imaging section, including a video library to aid in everyday diagnosis. 

  • Shares the expertise of a renowned editorial team―including new co-editors Drs. Lorraine Dugoff and Judette M. Louis―who lead authors representing top institutions from around the globe. 

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

PART 1 Scientific Basis of Perinatal Biology
1 Human Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance
2 Molecular Genetic Technology
3 Normal Early Development
4 Amniotic Fluid Dynamics
5 Multiple Gestation: The Biology of Twinning
6 Physiology of Parturition
7 Pathogenesis of Spontaneous Preterm Birth
8 Immunology of Pregnancy
9 Maternal Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Renal Adaptation to Pregnancy
10 Endocrinology of Pregnancy
11 The Breast and the Physiology of Lactation
12 Maternal Nutrition
13 Fetal Cardiovascular Physiology
14 Placental Respiratory Gas Exchange and Fetal Oxygenation
15 Evidence-Based Practice in Perinatal Medicine
PART 2 Obstetric Imaging
16 Performing and Documenting the Fetal Anatomy Ultrasound Examination
17 Doppler Ultrasound: Select Fetal and Maternal Applications
18 Clinical Applications of Three-Dimensional Sonography in Obstetrics
19 Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Obstetric Imaging
20 Fetal Central Nervous System Imaging
21 Imaging of the Fetal Face and Neck
22 Fetal Thoracic Imaging
23 Fetal Cardiac Malformations and Arrhythmias: Detection, Diagnosis, Management, and Prognosis
24 Fetal Abdominal Imaging
25 Fetal Urogenital Imaging
26 Skeletal Imaging
27 Placenta and Umbilical Cord Imaging
28 Uterus and Adnexae Imaging
29 First-Trimester Imaging
PART 3 Fetal Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapy
30 Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Disorders
31 Teratogenesis and Environmental Exposure
32 Assessment of Fetal Health
33 Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance
34 Invasive Fetal Therapy
35 Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn
36 Nonimmune Hydrops
37 Multiple Gestation: Clinical Characteristics and Management
PART 4 Disorders at the Maternal-Fetal Interface
38 Prevention and Management of Preterm Parturition
39 Premature (Prelabor) Rupture of the Membranes
40 Clinical Aspects of Normal and Abnormal Labor
41 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
42 Stillbirth
43 Placenta Previa and Accreta, Vasa Previa, Subchorionic Hemorrhage, and Abruptio Placentae
44 Fetal Growth Restriction
45 Pregnancy-Related Hypertension
PART 5 Maternal Complications
46 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Obstetrics
47 Maternal Mortality
48 Bacterial and Parasitic Infections in Pregnancy
49 Maternal and Fetal Viral Infections
50 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
51 Maternal-Fetal Infections
52 Cardiac Diseases
53 Coagulation Disorders in Pregnancy
54 Thromboembolic Disease in Pregnancy
55 Anemia and Pregnancy
56 Malignancy and Pregnancy
57 Renal Disorders
58 Respiratory Diseases in Pregnancy
59 Diabetes in Pregnancy
60 Pregnancy in Women With Obesity
61 Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy
62 Other Endocrine Disorders of Pregnancy
63 Gastrointestinal Disease in Pregnancy
64 Diseases of the Liver, Biliary System, and Pancreas
65 Pregnancy and Rheumatic Diseases
66 Neurologic Disorders
67 Management of Depression and Psychoses in Pregnancy and in the Puerperium
68 Substance Use and Addiction in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
69 The Skin and Pregnancy
70 Anesthesia Considerations for Complicated Pregnancies
71 Intensive Care Considerations in Obstetrics
72 Pregnancy as a Window to Future Health
PART 6 The Neonate
73 Neonatal Morbidities of Prenatal and Perinatal Origin


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