Diagnostic Ultrasound, 2-Volume Set, 6/e
Carol M. Rumack MD FACR
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2416 Pages
6 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Spanning a wide range of medical specialties and practice settings, Diagnostic Ultrasound, 6th Edition, provides complete, detailed information on the latest techniques for ultrasound imaging of the whole body; image-guided procedures; fetal, obstetric, and pediatric imaging; and much more. This thoroughly revised, two-volume set, edited by Drs. Carol M. Rumack and Deborah Levine, remains the most comprehensive and authoritative ultrasound resource available. Up-to-date guidance from experts in the field keep you abreast of expanding applications of this versatile imaging modality and help you understand the "how" and "why" of ultrasound use and interpretation.

  • Covers all aspects of diagnostic ultrasound with sections for Physics; Abdominal, Pelvic, Small Parts, Vascular, Obstetric, and Pediatric Sonography. 

  • Contains 5,000 images throughout, including 2D and 3D imaging as well as the use of contrast agents and elastography. 

  • Includes a new section on setting up a contrast lab for clinical practice and a new chapter on hemodialysis. 

  • Features new coverage of the parotid, salivary, and submandibular glands, as well as the retroperitoneum, which now includes a section on endoleaks with ultrasound contrast. 

  • Uses a straightforward writing style and extensive image panels with correlative findings. 

  • Includes 400 video clips showing real-time scanning of anatomy and pathology. 

  • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. 

PART I Ultrasound Physics, Bioeffects, and Contrast
1. Physics of Ultrasound
2. Biologic Effects and Safety
3. Contrast Agents for Ultrasound: From Principles to Practice
PART II Abdominal Sonography
4. The Liver
5. The Spleen
6. The Biliary Tree and Gallbladder
7. Pancreatic Sonography
8. The Gastrointestinal Tract
9. The Kidney and Urinary Tract
10. The Prostate and Transrectal Ultrasound
11. The Adrenal Glands
12. Retroperitoneal Sonography
13. Dynamic Ultrasound of Hernias of the Groin and Anterior Abdominal Wall
14. The Peritoneum
15. Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy of Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis
16. Solid-Organ Transplantation
PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography
17. Thyroid Gland and Cervical Lymph Node Sonography
18. Other Glands in the Head and Neck
19. The Breast
20. The Scrotum
21. Overview of Musculoskeletal Sonography-Techniques and Applications
22. The Shoulder
23. Musculoskeletal Interventions
24. The Extracranial Cerebral Vessels
25. Peripheral Arteries
26. Peripheral Veins
27. Hemodialysis
PART IV Gynecologic Sonography
28. The Uterus
29. Adnexal Sonography
PART V Obstetric Sonography
30. Overview of Obstetric Imaging
31. The First Trimester
32. Chromosomal Abnormality
33. Multifetal Pregnancy
34. Fetal Face and Neck Sonography
35. The Fetal Brain
36. The Fetal Spine
37. The Fetal Chest
38. Fetal Echocardiography
39. The Fetal Gastrointestinal Tract and Abdominal Wall
40. The Fetal Urogenital Tract
41. The Fetal Musculoskeletal System
42. Sonography of Fetal Hydrops
43. Fetal Measurements: Normal and Abnormal Fetal Growth and Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
44. Sonographic Evaluation of the Placenta
45. Cervical Ultrasound and Preterm Birth
PART VI Pediatric Sonography
46. Neonatal and Infant Brain Imaging
47. Neonatal Brain Doppler and Advanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques
48. Doppler Sonography of the Brain in Children
49. The Pediatric Head and Neck
50. The Pediatric Spinal Canal Sonography
51. The Pediatric Chest
52. The Pediatric Liver and Spleen
53. Pediatric Kidney, Urinary Tract, and Adrenal Sonography
54. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract Sonography
55. Pediatric Pelvic Sonography
56. Pediatric Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
57. Pediatric Interventional Sonography


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