Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 7/e 해외주문가능
Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN
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1152 Pages
7 Edition
3만원 미만 3,000원, 이상 무료배송
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노인전문간호사(Certification Review) Meredith Wallace, Sheila Grossman 33,000 31,350won
Saunders Q & A Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination Silvestri, Linda 70,000 66,500won

Often called the ‘the best NCLEX® exam review book ever,’ Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 7th Edition provides everything you need to prepare for the NCLEX exam ― complete content review and 5,200 NCLEX examination-style questions in the book and online. Don`t make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX exam review books, because only this book includes the kind of questions that consistently test the critical thinking skills necessary to pass today`s NCLEX exam. Even better, all answers include detailed rationales to help you learn from your answer choices, as well as test-taking strategies with tips on how to best approach each question. Written by the most trusted name in NCLEX review, Linda Anne Silvestri, and updated to reflect the most current 2016 NCLEX test plan, Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 7th Edition is THE book of choice for NCLEX examination review. But don’t just take our word for it ― read any customer review or ask your classmates to see why there`s nothing else like it!

Over 5,100 practice questions in the text and online offer ample testing practice. 

Question categories by cognitive level, client needs area, integrated process, and content area give users completely customizable exams or study sessions when using the companion Evolve site.

UNIQUE! A detailed test-taking strategy and rationale is included for each question, offering clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option, and guiding users to remediation in Saunders Strategies for Test Success: Passing Nursing School and the NCLEX® Exam and Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Exam.

Inclusion of all alternate item format questions covers multiple response, prioritizing [ordered response], fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration [hot spot], chart/exhibit, video, and audio questions to give users practice with mastering prioritizing, decision-making, and critical thinking skills.

Alternate item format questions are highlighted with a special icon to easily find in the text.

85-question comprehensive exam covers all content areas in the book in the same percentages that they are covered on the actual NCLEX-RN test plan.

UNIQUE! Priority Nursing Action boxes list actions for clinical emergent situations requiring immediate action, including a detailed rationale and textbook reference.

UNIQUE! Pyramid Alert! boxes spotlight important nursing concepts and procedures, and include tips and shortcuts for remembering key information. 

UNIQUE! Priority concepts call-outs highlight specific concepts related to nursing practice. Concepts have been updated to reflect the latest Giddens: Concepts for Nursing Practice text.

Page references for each question guide users toward an Elsevier nursing textbook for further study and self-remediation.

Full-color design offers a more visually engaging learning experience.

Easy-to-use index lets users quickly locate questions for a given topic or body system.

Recent graduate’s perspective sections offer meaningful guidance for the NCLEX-RN, nonacademic preparation, test-taking strategies, and the CAT format.

Expanded coverage of delegation, prioritization, and triage/disaster management in the practice questions reflect the areas of increased emphasis on the NCLEX exam.

Automatic software updates on the Evolve companion site allow users to check for changes and content updates throughout the life of the edition.

UNIQUE! Audio review summaries on pharmacology, fluids and electrolytes, and acid-base balance are found on the Evolve companion site.

NEW! Questions and content aligned with the latest NCLEX-RN exam reflect the increased level of difficulty and format changes in some areas. 

NEW! Summary of the key changes made to the 2016 NCLEX-RN test plan will be included at the beginning of the text along with how those updates are addressed throughout the new edition.

NEW! Mnemonics will be included as Pyramid Alerts where appropriate throughout the text.

NEW! More Priority Nursing Action boxes to communicate new and pertinent content. 

NEW! Revised illustrations provide a more up-to-date and consistent presentation of art throughout the text. 

NEW! Completely updated chapter on vital signs and laboratory values include the latest lab values.

NEW! Glossary of the Pyramid Terms located in the back of the book help users access all definitions in one location.


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