Tintinalli`s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e (IE) 베스트 해외주문가능
Judith Tintinalli
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2160 pages
Hard Cover
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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신간 MD추천
Adams and Victor`s Principles of Neurology, 12/e Allan Ropper 280,000 248,000won
Goldfrank`s Toxicologic Emergencies, 11e Nelson MD, Lewis S., Robert S. Hoffman, Mary Ann Howland, Neal A Lewin, Lewis R. Goldfrank, Silas W Smith 345,000 310,000won
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Skeletal Trauma: Basic Science, Management, and Reconstruction, 2-Volume Set, 6e Bruce D. Browner, MD, MHCM, FACS, Jesse B. Jupiter, MD, Christian Krettek, MD, FRACS, FRCSEd and Paul A Anderson, MD 748,000 672,800won
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The long-awaited new edition of the world`s most widely used and highly regarded textbook and reference of emergency medicine 

A Doody`s Core Title for 2019!

Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine is THE essential resource for everyone working in, and teaching emergency medicine.   The Ninth Edition provides the depth and breadth of coverage that reflects the complexity and expertise needed to practice emergency medicine in today’s fast-paced environments. This comprehensive text is an important clinical resource for physicians, residents and students, advance practice providers, emergency nurses, EMTs, and paramedics.  It is a necessary resource for in-training and board examinations, and recertification. 

Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine covers everything from prehospital care, disaster preparedness, and basic and advanced resuscitative techniques, to all the significant medical, traumatic, and environmental conditions requiring emergency treatment in adults, children and neonates. 

Highlights of the Ninth Edition:

• Full-color design with more tables than ever to succinctly present key information
• Extensive updates to all sections, incorporating the latest clinical and evidence-based information
• Online access to over 100 videos, covering a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and POCUS for obstetric/gynecologic, pediatric, musculoskeletal, and vascular conditions
• World-class pediatric section on the care of neonates, infants, and children
• Expanded chapters on the management of gynecologic and obstetric conditions and emergencies
• Updated information on toxicologic and environmental emergencies
• Contemporary, concise discussion of ED identification and treatment of opioid use disorders
• Updated information on procedural sedation
• Expert advice on the management and care of transgender patients
• Latest information available on neurologic and cardiac emergencies

From the reviews of the seventh edition:
"Collectively, they have once again produced an excellent text that manages to cover the broad scope of emergency medicine while remaining an easily readable and practical resource....Last, for the inevitable comparison of this current edition of Tintinalli`s Emergency Medicine with other available emergency medicine textbooks available: in my opinion, Tintinalli’s still comes out on top. It is more concise and easier to read than some, yet it covers the breadth of emergency medicine practice more comprehensively than others….Just as previous editions did, the seventh presents all of the most pertinent and up-to-date information in a well-organized format that is comprehensive yet easy to read. That and many of the attractive new features in this current edition will ensure its place on my bookshelf for years to come."―JAMA


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