Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight, 3/e
David Cone
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1184 Pages
3 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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이 도서를 구매하신 분들이 함께 구매하신 도서입니다.

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The two-volume Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight delivers a thorough foundation upon which to succeed as an EMS medical director and prepare for the NAEMSP National EMS Medical Directors Course and Practicum. Focusing on EMS in the `real world`, the book offers specific management tools that will be useful in the reader`s own local EMS system and provides contextual understanding of how EMS functions within the broader emergency care system at a state, local, and national level.

The two volumes offer the core knowledge trainees will need to successfully complete their training and begin their career as EMS physicians, regardless of the EMS systems in use in their areas. A companion website rounds out the book`s offerings with audio and video clips of EMS best practice in action. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:

  • A thorough introduction to the history of EMS
  • An exploration of EMS airway management, including procedures and challenges, as well as how to manage ventilation, oxygenation, and breathing in patients, including cases of respiratory distress
  • Practical discussions of medical problems, including the challenges posed by the undifferentiated patient, altered mental status, cardiac arrest and dysrhythmias, seizures, stroke, and allergic reactions
  • An examination of EMS systems, structure, and leadership




About the Companion Site

Volume I

Chapter 1 History of Emergency Medical Services
Jon R. Krohmer

Section I: Airway

Chapter 2 EMS Airway Management: System Considerations
Francis X. Guyette and Henry E. Wang

Chapter 3 Airway Procedures
Jestin N. Carlson and Henry E. Wang

Chapter 4 Airway Management: Special Situations
Brendan Anzalone and Henry E. Wang

Section II: Breathing

Chapter 5 Respiratory Distress
Matthew R. Neth and Mohamud R. Daya

Chapter 6 Oxygenation and Ventilation
Vincent N. Mosesso and Angus M. Jameson

Section III: Circulation

Chapter 7 Hypotension and Shock
Francis X. Guyette, Raymond L. Fowler, and Ronald N. Roth

Chapter 8 Vascular Access
Bryan B. Kitch and Eric H. Beck

Chapter 9 Chest Pain and Acute Coronary Syndromes
Joseph P. Ornato, Michael R. Sayre, and James I. Syrett

Chapter 10 Cardiac Dysrhythmias
Christian C. Knutsen and Donald M. Yealy

Chapter 11 Cardiac Procedures and Managing Technology
Joanna L. Adams and David P. Thomson

Chapter 12 Cardiac Arrest Systems of Care
Bryan McNally, Paul Middleton, Marcus Ong, and Gayathri Devi Nadarajan

Chapter 13 Cardiac Arrest: Clinical Management
Jon C. Rittenberger and Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr.

Section IV: Medical Problems

Chapter 14 The Challenge of the Undifferentiated Patient
Andrew Travers

Chapter 15 Altered Mental Status
Mariecely Luciano-Feijoó and Jefferson G. Williams

Chapter 16 Syncope
David J. Schoenwetter

Chapter 17 Seizures
J. Stephen Huff

Chapter 18 Stroke
Timothy P. Chizmar and Janelle M. Martin

Chapter 19 Abdominal Pain
Jeffrey D. Ferguson and Michael Ferras

Chapter 20 Diabetic Emergencies
Mariecely Luciano-Feijoó, José G. Cabañas, and Jane H. Brice

Chapter 21 Allergic Reactions
Debra G. Perina and Briana N. Tully

Chapter 22 Renal Failure and Dialysis
Jocelyn M. De Guzman and Bryan B. Kitch

Chapter 23 Infectious and Communicable Diseases
Russell D. MacDonald

Chapter 24 Choking
Gregory H. Gilbert

Chapter 25 Submersion Injuries and Drowning
Robert Lowe

Section V: Trauma Problems

Chapter 26 Trauma Systems of Care
James E. Winslow

Chapter 27 Blunt Trauma Considerations
Sabina A. Braithwaite and Noah Bernhardson

Chapter 28 Motor Vehicle Crashes
Stewart C. Wang, Kristen Cunningham, Sven Holcombe, and Robert Kaufman

Chapter 29 Penetrating Trauma
Michelle Welsford and Clare Wallner

Chapter 30 Traumatic Brain Injury
Anjni Joiner

Chapter 31 Electrical Injuries
Jeffrey Lubin

Chapter 32 Blast Injury
Andre Pennardt and Emerson Franke

Chapter 33 Thermal and Chemical Burns
Richard Schwartz, Richard Cartie, Peter Bui, and Bradley Michael Golden

Chapter 34 Crush Injury
Roberto C. Portela and Nathan Roney

Chapter 35 Hemorrhage Control
Jeremiah Escajeda

Chapter 36 Orthopedic Injuries
Mary P. Mercer

Chapter 37 Ocular Trauma
Eric Hawkins and Joseph Blackwell

Chapter 38 Bites, stings, and envenomations
Adam Frisch, Andrew King, and Stephanie O. Frisch

Chapter 39 Field Trauma Triage
Matthew Cobb, Aaron Dix, and Scott M. Sasser

Chapter 40 Trauma-Stabilizing Procedures
Benjamin A. Smith

Section VI: Obstetrics and Gynecology Problems

Chapter 41 Physiology of Pregnancy
Rickquel Tripp

Chapter 42 Emergencies of Pregnancy
Aiman Saleh and Joseph Grover

Chapter 43 Normal Childbirth
Stephanie A. Crapo and David A. Kranc

Chapter 44 Childbirth Emergencies
Angus M. Jameson and Micha Campbell

Chapter 45 Perimortem Cesarean Section
Christian Martin-Gill

Section VII: Toxicological Problems

Chapter 46 Principles of Toxicology
Christine M. Murphy

Chapter 47 Treatment and Evaluation of Specific Toxins
Michael C. Beuhler

Section VIII: Environmental Problems

Chapter 48 Cold Exposure Illness and Injury
Jonnathan Busko

Chapter 49 Heat-Related Illness
Gerald (Wook) Beltran

Chapter 50 High Altitude Illnesses
Hawnwan Philip Moy and Richard Benson II

Chapter 51 Effects of Flight
David P. Thomson and Joanna L. Adams

Chapter 52 Diving Injury
Katherine Couturier and Irfan Husain

Section IX: Special Populations

Chapter 53 The Special Needs of Children
Susan Fuchs

Chapter 54 Pediatric Medical Priorities
Toni Gross and J. Joelle Donofrio-Odmann

Chapter 55 Pediatric Trauma Priorities
Jennifer N. Fishe

Chapter 56 Technology-Dependent Children
Sylvia Owusu-Ansah

Chapter 57 Approach to the Geriatric Patient
Michael Mancera, Michael Lohmeier, and Manish N. Shah

Section X: Special Considerations

Chapter 58 Behavioral Health Emergencies
Jay H. Reich and Anthony T. Ng

Chapter 59 Bariatric Patient Challenges
Jeremy T. Cushman

Chapter 60 Intimate Partner Violence
Elizabeth A. Donnelly, Dana Levin, and Betty Jo Barrett

Chapter 61 Sexual Assault
Diane L. Miller and Karen Serrano

Chapter 62 Child Maltreatment
Deborah Flowers and Molly Berkoff

Chapter 63 Human Trafficking
Ronna G. Miller, Asha Tharayil, Brian L. Miller, and Brandon Morshedi

Chapter 64 Ethical Challenges
Dave W. Lu and James G. Adams

Chapter 65 Death, Dying, and End of life Issues
Jennifer Cook, Aaron Case, Shannon Appy, Joshua Lupton, and Terri A. Schmidt

Chapter 66 Family and Bystanders
Lynne Dees

Chapter 67 Analgesia
Richard A. Kamin and Mark X. Cicero

Chapter 68 Point of Care Testing in EMS
Alix JE Carter

Chapter 69 Ultrasound Applications in the Prehospital Setting
Danielle Levine and Rachel Liu







Volume II

Section I:  Principles of Oversight and Design

Chapter 70 Medical Oversight of EMS Systems
Michael Levy and John M. Gallagher

Chapter 71 Principles of EMS System Design
Mic Gunderson

Chapter 72 Emergency Care Regionalization
Andrew N. Hogan, Reagan Rosenberger, and Raymond L. Fowler

Chapter 73 Telemedicine and Emerging Telecommunications
Renoj Varughese, Kaori P. Tanaka, Susan J. Burnett, and Brian M. Clemency

Chapter 74 Interfacility Transportation
Ashley N. Huff, Jacob B. Keeperman, and Lesley Osborn

Chapter 75 Air Medical Services
Thomas Judge

Section II: Human Resources

Chapter 76 EMS Personnel
Paul Rosenberger, Kathy J. Rinnert, Aditya Lulla, and Ray Fowler

Chapter 77 Protection of EMS Personnel from Occupationally Acquired Infections
Carin M. Van Gelder

Chapter 78 Medical Surveillance of Emergency Response Personnel
Mike McEvoy

Chapter 79 EMS Clinician Wellness
P. Daniel Patterson, Matthew D. Weaver, and David Hostler

Chapter 80 Occupational Injury Prevention and Management
P. Daniel Patterson, Matthew D. Weaver, David Hostler, and Deanna Colburn

Chapter 81 Prevention and Intervention for Psychologically Stressful Events
Richard Gist and Marc Kruse

Chapter 82 EMS Practitioner Education
Beth Lothrop Adams and Kim D. McKenna

Section III:  Legal and Legislation

Chapter 83 Legal Issues
W. Ann "Winnie Maggiore

Chapter 84 Legislation, Regulation, and Ordinance
Ritu Sahni and Brent Myers

Chapter 85 Due Process
E. Fremont Magee and Sarah M. Sette

Chapter 86 Risk Management
Raymond L. Fowler, Melanie Lippmann, Faroukh Mehkri, and James Atkins

Chapter 87 Politics and Advocacy for the EMS Physician
Ritu Sahni

Section IV:  Dispatch and Communications

Chapter 88 Dispatch
Ronald Roth and David C. Cone

Chapter 89 Ambulance Safety
Christopher A. Kahn

Chapter 90 Communications
Kevin McGinnis and Barry Luke

Section V:  Finance and Public Interfaces

Chapter 91 Principles of Finance
Paul Hinchey and Jeffrey M. Goodloe

Chapter 92 State EMS Offices
Douglas F. Kupas, Peter P. Taillac, and Lee B. Smith

Chapter 93 EMS – Public Health Interface
Robert P. Holman, Ryan B. Gerecht

Chapter 94 EMS Physicians as Public Spokespersons
Edward M. Racht and Jeff Beeson

Section VI: Extraordinary Circumstances

Chapter 95 Incident Command System and National Incident Management System
Erin R. Hanlin and Kevin Schulz

Chapter 96 Medical Management of Mass Gatherings
John F. Brown, Joshua G. Smith, and Katie Tataris

Chapter 97 Disaster Preparedness and Management
Alexander P. Isakov, Ryan Carter, and Yuko Nakajima

Chapter 98 The Federal Medical Response to Disasters
Kevin Horahan and Scott Lee

Chapter 99 Prehospital Triage for Mass Casualties
E. Brooke Lerner, Richard B. Schwartz, Ryan Carter, and Kunal Chadha

Chapter 100 Mass Casualty Management
Daniel P. O’Donnell, Thomas A. Lardaro, and Mark Liao

Chapter 101 Mass Casualty Evacuation and Patient Movement
Joanne McGovern

Chapter 102 Temporary Treatment Facilities
Roy L. Alson and Christine S. Hall

Section VII: Special Hazards

Chapter 103 Medical Support for Hazardous Materials Response
Thomas Blackwell, Craig DeAtley, and Allen Yee

Chapter 104 Chemical Properties of Hazardous Materials
Joshua B. Gaither and Robert N. E. French

Chapter 105 Radiological and Nuclear Response
John C. White

Chapter 106 Weapons of Mass Destruction
Adam Kaye and Jonathan L. Burstein

Section VIII: Special Environments

Chapter 107 Tactical Emergency Medical Support
David K. Tan and Jeffrey E. Siegler

Chapter 108 Technical Rescue, Confined Space, and Limited Access Situations
David C. Cone

Chapter 109 Care in the Wilderness
Seth C. Hawkins, Michael G. Millin, William R. Smith

Chapter 110 Mobile Integrated Health & Community Paramedicine
Melissa Kroll and Kevin Munjal

Section IX: Safety and Quality

Chapter 111 Patient Safety Culture
Blair L. Bigham, Brodie Nolan, and P. Daniel Patterson

Chapter 112 The Evolution of Quality Concepts and Methods
Remle P. Crowe

Chapter 113 Defining, Measuring, and Improving Quality
Scott S. Bourn, Kevin E. Mackey, and Michael Redlener

Chapter 114 Information Systems
Greg Mears

Section X: Advancing Knowledge

Chapter 115 EMS research basics
E. Brooke Lerner, David C. Cone, and Donald M. Yealy

Chapter 116 Informed Consent in EMS Research
Lynn J. White

Chapter 117 Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Research
Brian Grunau, Karen Smith, and Ashish R. Panchal

Chapter 118 Trauma Research Methodology
Peter P. Taillac

Chapter 119 Pediatric Research Methodology
David Markenson, Lauren C. Riney, and Lorin R. Browne

Chapter 120 Cost Analysis Research
Maxwell Osei-Ampofo and Peter Agyei-Baffour

Chapter 121 Statistical Concepts for Research in Emergency Medical Services
Craig D. Newgard and Roger J. Lewis





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